Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1052: ready to go back

Tao Tao thinks so.

"It's not more tiring than farming!"

She really didn't feel too tired to work in the field!

Qiao Xuan endured a smile and said, "Our family doesn't ask for help, we are willing to make friends with our family, we communicate generously, if there is someone who has a high vision and wants to deliberately make things difficult for others, we don't have to give face, just don't provoke them. So, no need to be nervous."

Fang Shi was relieved, and smiled: "This is also!"

For a while, he talked about the wealth and style of the Xie family, and what he heard and saw today, Fang Shi couldn't help but sigh again. To be blunt today is really an eye-opener, I didn't expect there are such people in this world...

Tao Tao couldn't help but show two or three points of envy, the manners and manners of the Xie family were indeed incomparable to others.

Although they don't know much, they can feel that such a family is called a real family.

The next day, Shao Yunyun was with him, and everyone went to Lezheng's house as a guest. After playing for half a day, his family walked around the city for a day. Mrs. Fang was thinking about going to Lingyuan Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, so the family simply said. Okay, let's go together.

Mrs. Fang was not at ease at home, and said that after burning incense and worshipping Buddha, she should go home first. After all, there are only two girls in the family to look after the house, and it only takes three or five days.

Everyone agreed.

I have been staying in the provincial capital for several days. I have eaten what I should eat, what I should go shopping, and what I should buy. I am satisfied and it is time to go back.

After entering the incense on this day, Qiao Xuan and others accompanied Fang to worship the Bodhisattva, and Shao Yunyun took Qiao Xuan and the two of them up the back mountain to go for a walk and climb the mountain.

There are green pines and bamboos in the mountains, mountain springs and flowing stones, birds singing and swaying mountain flowers. The two hold hands and walk all the way, laughing and laughing. Occasionally, in a quiet and secluded place, Shao Yunyun hugs and kisses people intimately. This made Qiao Xuan blushed and embarrassed. When going down the mountain, she was happily holding a bunch of mountain flowers he picked for her.

Colorful and really beautiful.

Yang Xiaoni saw her envy and asked her to give her some points. She also made an excuse to be vague and didn't give up points.

After the people Le Zhengxiao sent to the south to buy fruit saplings came back, let them go to Shaoding Village to let them know. It was impossible for Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun to wait here all the time.

Mrs. Le Zheng also knew that their time was precious, so she naturally looked forward to her family staying for a few more days. After all, it would be rare for a family to be reunited in the future, so she didn't stay any longer. She had asked someone to prepare a lot of gifts for Qiao Xuan to bring back, and told him to return to Beijing and pass by, and be sure to stay at home.

Qiao Xuan agreed with a smile.

Back to the village ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mrs. Yan came to visit, and Yang Xiaoni gave her everything she bought. Yang Xiaoni still had more than three coins left to return to Mrs. Yan, and Mrs. Yan confiscated it. He smiled and said that it was hard money to trouble her.

Yang Xiaoni slightly declined, and she accepted it with a smile.

It's not that he is greedy for this amount of money. Now everyone in the Shao family's big house is a rich man, so they won't be greedy for this at all.

I just felt that what Yan Shi said was reasonable, and what he received was magnanimous.

Yang Xiaoni sent two packs of candied fruit and melon seeds and peanuts that she bought to Mrs. Yan, Mrs. Yan also accepted it with a smile.

Qiao Xuan also gave Yan a pair of silk flowers, two powder boxes, and a pair of silver bracelets.

The relationship between Mrs. Yan and the big room has always been good, and Mrs. Niu is unwilling and thinks that a good relationship between Mrs. Yan and the big room can also be beneficial, but the contradiction is terribly contradictory, but after all, he has never scolded Mrs. Yan for this.

(End of this chapter)

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