The rich owner's family, it is not that no one came to reveal the intention of the marriage, and Fang did not dare to respond, for fear that she would be wronged when she came to the house.

In such a family, who doesn't have a concubine or a concubine?

Talents from ordinary farmers can be found, but Mr. Fang is still hesitant. Such a decent family is decent, but if they go to high school in the future, I am afraid they will dislike their daughter.

If you don't get in and don't have anything to do with production, you lose your book bag all day long, and you rely on your own daughter to support it, then your daughter will also be wronged. What is a man like this married to?

Business people, most of them are philistines, and their goals are not pure.

Therefore, in this way, Tao Tao's marriage has really become a problem.

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan also looked at each other in dismay when Mrs Fang spoke about her various worries. This is indeed a big problem.

For Tao Tao, the only girl, the family cherishes her very much, and naturally hopes that she will marry well and have a smooth life in the rest of her life.

However, this married daughter is her own daughter to live in someone else's house, how can the maiden's family not be worried?

What Fang shi didn't tell Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun was that during the days when they left home and entered Beijing, Tao Tao's marriage was almost promised by Uncle Shao.

The couple in the third room were not at ease. They invited Uncle Shao to go to dinner, flattered him in every possible way, made him half-drunk, and then began to talk about Taotao's marriage in a roundabout way. Uncle Shao happily coaxed them into confusion, but he nodded in agreement.

It was talking about a wealthy family in the village next to Ma's family.

Originally, Mrs. Ma coaxed Uncle Shao to change Geng Tie and then told Mrs. Fang. Fortunately, Mr. Shao was not confused to this point, so he told Mrs. Fang the next day.

He was righteous and felt that there was nothing he could not say. The other party is a wealthy family, and it is a perfect match for Taotao. What's wrong? And how can the third younger siblings and third younger brothers cheat on their own family? What they introduced, it must be no problem!

When Uncle Shao told Fang Shi about this, he even had a bit of proof to show off his intentions: Look at how good the third brother and sister are to Taotao and how much they care about Taotao?

Fang shi has never believed them, so he was almost scared to death when he heard this!

Immediately, he rushed to the third room to settle accounts with Mrs. Ma, and had a big quarrel with Mrs. Ma, which made Mrs. Ma die. It was not her turn to intervene in the marriage of her daughter.

As for what kind of relationship she was talking about, she absolutely refused to admit it. If she liked it so much, she might as well tell her daughter!

Mrs. Fang doesn't care about the wealthy family or She only knows that Mrs. Ma is a weasel to the chicken for New Year's greetings, and if she says a good thing, it is absolutely impossible to be a good thing!

As long as this is clear, it is enough for her to make the right judgment.

This was originally just a verbal statement to the middleman, and neither the matchmaker came to the door nor exchanged Geng posts. It is said that Mr. Fang made what he said so clearly and clearly, and this is the end of the matter.

However, no.

Ma held a grudge and was eager to cause trouble, yet she still ran to tell the Sun family that the marriage was over!

The Sun family couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately invited a matchmaker to the Shao family's big house to exchange for Geng's posts, and then discussed marriage matters. Their family wanted to pick up Taotao earlier!

When the matchmaker came to the door, Mr. Fang was so angry that he directly invited the person away, saying it was a misunderstanding. What kind of relationship? Nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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