Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1057: sad and disappointed

Every time something happened, he always felt that they must not mean it, there must be a reason, or either they didn't know it was going to get so bad, and they didn't mean it...

After all, even if the woman's family is careful and has small plans for each other, the three brothers are blood relatives! When I was young, the second and third listened to him so much. They often fought, but they never fought him. Every time they fought, he mediated, and they were not dissatisfied. How good was it then.

How could it have changed?

He didn't believe it, or he didn't want to believe it.

However, after every incident, his confidence was shaky. Relying on him alone to firmly believe and support him, and his two brothers have been demolished again and again, he can't stand it anymore.

Even if he was willing to believe them, he would have to lose in the face of the facts.

The cruel facts gave him the heaviest blow. He wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't. Since all this involved his children, how could he avoid it?

Uncle Shao was extremely disappointed and painful. He was sluggish and could not keep his spirits up, and became taciturn.

Fang Shi is angry, and only treats him as guilty, how can he pay attention to him? I wish he never made a sound again!

He promised not to interfere in the family's children's marriages again, which made Fang feel a little happier.

The lady of the Sun family is worthy of being able to entangle, and Mrs. Fang watched with a cold eye and made it clear that she was watching the play.

Ma was angry, remorseful, and afraid—could he not be afraid? Taotao is guarded by Shao Yunyun, so she doesn't have to worry about fame at all, but her daughter Shao Xiaozhi is different.

She used Shao Liulang to scare the lady of the Sun family, but at that time, how could Shao Liulang, who was just a child, scare the lady of the Sun family?

In a hurry, the Ma family also wanted to learn from the Fang family, and went to the clan to ask for help, but instead was punished by Li Zheng and the clan elders.

Lizheng, clan elders, etc. are not to solve trivial matters for others, do they care about such things? After that, I would simply ask them to take care of the trivialities of the whole village. They must not be exhausted, right?

If you cause trouble, solve it yourself!

Ma was indignant and pulled the big room to speak.

He directly **** off a hot-tempered female clan elder, who sneered: "What are you really telling people to say! This is full of villages~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Who can compare with Juren master's home? It's not impossible for you to compare with the old man's house. You donate 400 mu of clan land to the clan first, and then give a few hundred taels of silver to the school in the village! When you come back, we will take care of you if you have anything to do with it. Help you solve it!"

"Don't be unconvinced. Master Juren has made such a great contribution to our village. He is not at home now. His mother asked the village for help. Can the village help?"

Those words made Ma Shi's heart hurt.

But where did she get 400 acres of clan land and a few hundred taels of silver? Don't say no, even if there is, it's reluctant!

When Shao Yunyun did this, she was still laughing and mocking behind her back. Who would have thought that she would be slapped in the face by this incident.

Ma was helpless, and was finally forced to compensate the Sun family's wife 30 taels of silver, and the matter was over.

She was very distressed about the silver, and she and Uncle Shao went to Uncle Shao in private to cry and complain about the miserable sale, and wanted Uncle Shao to make up for the silver for them.

(End of this chapter)

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