Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1059: want to go into the mountains

Ke Xu was different from Yang Xiaoni, Yang Xiaoni was a stubborn one and would listen to Qiao Xuan's words. Xu's not necessarily.

After all, how huge the profits involved in this lipstick are, even if they don't know all of them, they know a lot. If Xu Shi found out, it would be hard to say whether he would tell her parents secretly.

Qiao Xuan couldn't take this risk.

The two sisters-in-law didn't tell anyone, just told Tao Tao.

And Taotao is smarter than them, learning faster and doing better.

Most importantly, Tao Tao herself is very willing to learn.

Qiao Xuan said she wanted to teach her at the beginning, but the little girl almost jumped up with excitement, and was so happy that she didn't fall asleep all night. When learning, it is more energetic and meticulous.

She was originally a wise person and should not be buried.

Qiao Xuan did not regret teaching her this skill.

Otherwise, is it good for her to only know how to farm the land, manage the housework, give birth to children, take care of men, and live a life like this?

The couple thought about it, and in the end, they could only tell Fang Shi that Tao Tao was sixteen this year, and it wasn't too big. Would you like to wait another two years?

Have a good look and see in the past two years? Maybe there is a suitable one?

If you can't find a very satisfactory one in the past two years, then you can choose the champion among the dwarfs and choose the one who is satisfied with six points and seven points. This will always work.

Mr. Fang also knew that this matter could not be settled immediately, so he sighed and had no choice but to do so.

Who would have thought that Taotao found out after the incident. Her little blushing was quite shy, but her attitude was very firm, and she secretly told Qiao Xuan that she was relieved that she had not talked about her marriage for the past two years. She did not want to get married so early... ...

When Qiao Xuan heard the words, she took the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart with her, scolding her sideways, calmly seducing her, and letting her have any thoughts on the marriage, just tell her mother, don't be ashamed, no matter what her family tells her, the most important thing is She has to like it!

She can also go out more on weekdays, and the provincial capital can also walk around because of business. If she has more knowledge, maybe she will gain something?

But also be careful, don't let people fool you easily. Activities in the provincial capital must not go out alone.

I told her about the tricks and tricks that gangsters use to deceive people...

Tao Tao's face was dizzy when she heard it, and she was even more ashamed.

But he nodded seriously.

Fifth sister-in-law is right, this is her family affair, how can she do it if she doesn't care? It's her who will live her whole life!

Although Xiao Qi is no longer at home~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan still couldn't help wanting to go into the mountains, but she was embarrassed to mention it.

Shao Yunyun saw it in his eyes and smiled secretly in his heart. He took her up the mountain for a walk today, saying that it was climbing the mountain to relax.

Qiao Xuan was extremely happy, just in time, there were so many fresh bamboo shoots and fresh mushrooms in this season! There are also many wild fruits that are ripe in this season, but are they not very popular?

There are countless wild fruits and berries in the mountains, many of which are unremarkable, and they don't even have a serious name, only a random name in the local dialect. But the taste of these wild fruits is not bad, or sweet and sour, or sweet and juicy, or sweet and soft, or with a special fresh taste. In short, every mature season, it will always attract countless children from the village to go up the mountain. pick.

Of course, the village children usually don't go too far into the mountains.

Qiao Xuan's space can now plant everything, so she plans to plant some of these wild fruit trees and shrubs.

(End of this chapter)

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