Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1062: Shao Erlang married

This wedding banquet was held for about ten tables, and I invited my neighbors, close relatives and friends to have a meal.

So, on the wedding day, everything was business as usual.

The Niu was so angry that he didn't show up at the church.

Mei Qing also felt a little uncomfortable at first, but when Yan Shi gave her dinner, she quietly smiled and comforted: "Cousin - ah no, second sister-in-law, let her do it, our mother-in-law has always been like this. The more she goes too far, the more the second brother feels guilty towards you, which is also a good thing! I don't believe it anymore, it's hard for us sisters to cope with her!"

Yan shi winked, Mei Qing smiled knowingly with her, and she felt at ease.

Even if he couldn't handle it originally, but now that he has been wronged, Shao Erlang must feel guilty. Under this premise, it will naturally be much easier to deal with Niu.

Mei Qing then held Yan Shi's hand and sighed with emotion: "Sister Jiaojiao, we will be a family from now on. I remember the kindness of my sister's family, and I will never forget it. From now on, let's live a good life!"

Yan Shi knew that the "family" that Mei Qing said was referring to her parents' family, and hurriedly laughed: "Sister-in-law, don't say that, there is no kindness or unkindness, to be honest, the second brother always wants to marry someone else, It's better to be you, sister-in-law, rather than someone else! We already know each other well, how wonderful!"

"That's true!" The two smiled at each other.

Even if Mei Qing officially passed the door, although Niu deliberately "sick" did not show up on this day, it did not affect the overall situation.

The second marriage was not taken seriously, so Mei Qing was not too aggrieved.

Even if other people gossip and gossip, what they say is limited.

Mei Qing is not the innocent and ignorant little girl in her teens. She takes this kind of decency very seriously, and doesn't care about gossip at all.

I originally thought that I would be a widow in my mother's house for the rest of my life, and live under the care of my brothers, sisters, and nephews. own time.

Even if you find someone else to marry, it's impossible to marry well, at best it's just a make-believe.

Who would have guessed that Liu Yanhuaming would have gotten such a good marriage. Don't say that the mother-in-law pretended to be sick and didn't attend the wedding banquet. Even if there is no wedding banquet, she has no objection.

At this point, Mei Qing has officially become a member of the second room.

The Niu Clan really had all kinds of thorns and tricks.

Mei Qing was also able to endure it. The more he endured it, the more proud Niu became, and he became even more aggressive. Then Shao Erlang broke through Niu one day and punished Mei Qing to kneel in the yard. Shao Erlang was furious. Mei Qing had several scars on her hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked Yan how Niu treated Mei Qing in his daily life?

Yan refused to say, but hinted that Shao Erlang asked him about his son and daughter.

The pair of sons and daughters who were taught by the Niu Clan didn't like Mei Qing either. When they heard their father's question, they couldn't wait to file a lot of complaints.

But children, what kind of city can there be? Shao Erlang coaxed them all to say a few words.

Shao Juan also proudly said how her grandmother punished her stepmother and said very happily. She was so angry with Shao Erlang that she asked to separate the family that day.

Yan's heart is a joy, how good it is to split up the family.

Niu refused to live or die, but from then on, he dared not do anything to Mei Qing again. Shao Erlang said, if he finds out again, he will definitely split up.

He is the eldest son, although the Niu family and the second uncle Shao have been separated from them. But after the family split, Mei Qing was the hostess of the family. Compared with now, it was naturally different.

(End of this chapter)

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