Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1072: long story short

"At that time, there was a censor called what was the name of a censor who sued my fifth master for being unfilial in front of the emperor, but he was dismissed from office by the emperor. Do you know about this? Haha!"

Ling mama: "..."

Ling mama is choking enough!

Secretly scolding the dead girl, the little bitch, and the servants who I don't know where to find them, all of them are as cunning and cunning as her.

Where does Ling mama dare to make trouble? She still needs face, and so does the Qiao family.

This was the fault of the Qiao family.

It can't be said that the Qiao family is at fault, because the people in the main house have no idea how abominable and insidious Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun are, and they fell for them unknowingly!

Ling mama was able to bend and stretch, but at the moment she held back her anger and said with a sullen face: "I'm here to visit your madam."

Song Shi still had a smile on his face: "Why didn't you say so long ago?"

Ling mama: "..."

Madam Ling came in with the hosta, and Qiao Xuan smiled when she saw them. They were all by Madam Qiao's side, so they were acquaintances.

Ling mama didn't dare to take it big this time, she led the jade hairpin and bowed her knees to Qiao Xuan: "Greetings to the second lady!"

Qiao Xuan glanced at her and said with a sneer, "Second Miss? Who are you calling? If you are looking for Second Miss, then you are looking for the wrong door, Song Shi, see off!"

Ling mama's heart was blocked again, the Shao family all had the same virtue.

"Pray for Mrs. Shao!"

"That's all, what are you doing here, let's make a long story short."

From the time she arrived at her door to this moment, Ling mama's mood has been mixed up in a mess, where is there any more long-winded thoughts at the moment?

He said simply: "I want to come to the second - Mrs. Shao also knows about it? The third master and the third lady have already returned to the capital, and everything they did with Mrs. Shao in the main house before is not counted, they don't know the situation, they are all What's the matter of anger, second - don't be wronged by Mrs. Shao, the third master and the third lady will give you an explanation!"

"Mrs. Shao, let's go back with the old slave. They are all in the same family, and there is no one who is so born to be seen as a joke! Mrs. Shao is the daughter of the third master, and she doesn't recognize her father and mother, but it's not What kind of good reputation, is Madam Shao really not afraid of being spurned by others, and not afraid of ruining your uncle's reputation because of it?"

Qiao Xuan'an listened to her quietly, smiled and said, "This is written in black and white, but it was signed by your third master's mother and two brothers.

"Don't put me in front of me and be shameless. I don't want to eat this, don't you understand? If my husband didn't get the first prize in the exam, he didn't get the emperor's attention, if I didn't make a contribution to get the emperor's reward and the palace My reward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Will you three masters and three ladies send you to come to recognize me, or do you want to hide away for fear that we will come to fight the autumn wind?"

Qiao Xuan neatly tore the window paper, Rao is the old lady Ling, and she couldn't hang on her face.

"Mrs. Shao's words are too—"

"Too much? Isn't it?" Qiao Xuan suddenly lowered her face and smiled coldly: "I'll give you a face? What score are you putting in front of me? Go back and tell them, save it, that black and white, that slap I got. It's not for nothing! Do you really want to beg me to go back? Yes, slap Qiao Hongxi in front of people, and then ask the two brothers of your third master to apologize to me! Also, solve the Tian family matter for me! Also, Qiao Hongxi still owes us 4,000 taels of silver, so pay it back first!"

?? What, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be 8



(End of this chapter)

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