As expected of a table with 100 taels of silver, the 18 dishes are all full of flavors and tastes, such as roast lamb chops, hibiscus chicken slices, shredded pork in Beijing sauce, sixi balls, braised mutton, fried fish slices, sauce pork, oil Explosive belly...

In addition to the good pear white, all the Hanlins praised Shao Yunyun for being so interesting and generous!

The dishes were placed one by one, Shao Yunyun smiled and said a few words, everyone raised their glasses to thank him, the master, and then began to eat.

Although they are all scholars, they are considered elegant, but the speed is not slow at all.

No matter how gentle a scholar is, after spending so many years in the Qingshui Yamen of the Hanlin Academy, it is fine if he wants to continue to be elegant and unspotted, as long as his family has money to support him.

Most people have a hard life and can eat a high-class banquet, so naturally they won't die to save face and suffer.

Halfway through the banquet, everyone had almost eaten, and Shao Yunyun toasted one by one.

Although he is the host, but also a newcomer, it is normal for him to come to toast.

When everyone saw this, they felt that he was a good person, humble, and knew how to respect seniors, which was very good.

At the banquet today, Shao Yunyun also invited Qiao Hongxi.

Qiao Hongxi didn't want to be angry, but when he thought about the four thousand taels of silver, and looked at Shao Yunyun more, he felt so depressed that he didn't want to eat with him at all.

However, if you don't come, don't you look like you're too careful and don't give face? Moreover, four thousand taels, he took four thousand taels from himself, this meal will not be eaten for nothing...

So he came too.

So, Shao Yunyun respected and respected him before him.

"Brother Qiao, please!" Shao Yunyun touched him and sighed with emotion: "Before the old lady, the eldest master and the second master broke up with my wife, we were still relatives, and Brother Qiao was still mine. What about my brother-in-law and brother-in-law! I didn't expect our two relatives to have a weak relationship, so that's all we can do!"

"By the way, I heard that Brother Qiao's parents have returned to Beijing. Are the two old people okay? The Qiao family no longer recognizes my wife, and naturally Brother Qiao's parents are not my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and it is not convenient for my wife and I to come to the door. I can only wish the two elders good health!"

Everyone was stunned, and then they remembered that there was such a thing.

Qiao Hongxi was also stunned: "This—"

Of course he knew that the family wanted to recognize Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan but also didn't want to recognize them, so he suddenly felt that nothing was right.

Can he say "you're welcome back"? The family made it clear that they should not get close to them now to avoid angering the Tian family!

He is also not good at echoing Shao Yunyun's Otherwise, there will be no room left! How to turn around in the future?

Before he could figure out how to answer, Shao Yunyun sighed again, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't talk about that! Actually, that's fine! Everyone is fine! Keep yourselves safe!"

Everyone laughed and raised their glasses and shouted to fool the topic.

"Yes, yes, there's nothing wrong with this, come and drink!"


"Shao Bianxiu is really good, come, come, let's have another drink!"

Because of the censor's complaint, this matter spread all over the world. The Qiao family disliked and looked down on Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun. Before Shao Yunyun failed to become a jinshi, he and Qiao Xuan came to visit and were beaten, kicked out, and cut off from each other. already spread.

The emperor did not blame Shao Yunyun for being unfilial. Who dares to talk nonsense?

(End of this chapter)

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