Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1092: Did she underestimate the means of her first mother?

When he arrived at the Ning family, he was also under house arrest, and Qiao Kou had no chance to see Ning Liufang at all.

And the next day, he was escorted into a carriage and sent to the village outside the city.

When she arrived at Zhuangzi, the first thing that awaited her was a bowl of Luozi soup.

It would be good for Mrs. Ning San to let her enter the door. How could a serious daughter-in-law let her give birth to a eldest son before she said anything!

Mrs. Ning San has three sons, the eldest son and the second son have children, how could she care about this in Qiao Kou's belly?

Qiao Kou screamed, cried and struggled like crazy, but still couldn't stop her destiny.

Her child is gone, and her reliance is gone.

She lay blankly on the dilapidated bed like a puppet without moving her eyes.

He is clearly at a splendid age, but his heart is ashes.

If the servants of the Ning family told her at this time that she would never have a chance to return to the mansion in her life, she would not doubt it at all.

She regretted it.

She underestimated the means of her aunt!

When she saw that Qiao Xuan was so angry with her first mother, but her first mother had nothing to do with her, she despised her first mother. Never thought it would fall on me, it's not like this at all.

She is the first-in-class mother, her identity is destined that she can really hold her to the death, even if she tried her best to **** Qiao Wei's marriage, she could not keep it in the end, and she still ended up in the end. Such an unfortunate fate.

I'm really unhappy...  

After Qiao Kou "left the pavilion", the heartbroken Concubine Du begged Master Qiao San to be a monk.

She is going to go to the nunnery and go home.

Master Qiao San was distraught and scolded her in a bad mood.

Is she going to make trouble at this time?

Old Mrs. Qiao sneered when she found out, and asked someone to pass a message to Concubine Du. If she wants to become a monk, she should stop going out, eat fast food and recite Buddha every day, and don't even think about going to any nunnery!

When who doesn't know? After going to the nunnery, she can walk around freely. What does she want to do?

Auntie Du asked the old lady Qiao to break through the secret thoughts. She was frightened and scared, and she didn't dare to think again. She thought with great pain in her heart that she might never see Qiao Kou again in her life!

In despair, he simply closed his door to eat fasting and meditated on the Buddha, and never asked about world affairs again.

Mrs. Qiao San was very happy!

That's how the **** are supposed to end up!

Dare to calculate her daughter, do you really think her mother is dead?

It's just that revenge is revenge, and Qiao Wei's marriage is also ruined and her image is ruined. What should she do?

Mrs. Qiao San still had a headache.

Qiao Wei is also the same, in addition to being happy, she is also angry and fearful and dazed about the future.

She always thought that she was sitting on a fishing boat and that she would be able to marry into the Hou Mansion for a lifetime, and that lowly prostitutes like Qiao Xuan and Qiao Kou would never be able to match her in their entire lives.

But I don't want to lose everything overnight~www.wuxiaspot.com~...

She is not too young, what should I do?

Mrs. Qiao San also doesn't know, she can only comfort Qiao Wei, there will always be a way, she thinks again, there will be a way, after the new year, everything will be fine...

This big melon from the Qiao family is amazing to eat.

Qiao Xuan watched from the sidelines with no intention of interfering.

I don't think Joko deserves any sympathy either.

Eat as much rice as you eat in a big bowl, play with fire and set yourself on fire, you can only suffer by yourself!

For example, if she had a miserable end, would Qiao Kou sympathize with her? Will you help her? Will not.

With Qiao Kou's temperament, she can only gloat at misfortune and fall into trouble. The more unlucky she sees herself, the more sense of superiority and achievement she will have.

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