Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1094: don't open it

Besides, where is this loan? It is simply to send, to give.

Counting on the Hanlins to return the money, there are some waiting!

I'm afraid I can't wait ten or eight years.

You can't rush it, urging people to repay their debts is the easiest way to get revenge.

Borrowing money turns into an enemy. Only a fool can do such a thing!

Furthermore, if this is the beginning and lends it to one person, will the second person still borrow it? Is the third or fourth person borrowed?

Qiao Xuan didn't open the mouth.

He said that he spent a lot of money to go back to his hometown to worship ancestors, and he will have less time to go back in the future. He was worried that life at home would be difficult, so he kept some money at home. He just bought a piece of land of ten mu in the north of the city a while ago. I'm out of money...

If there is, everyone is a colleague, then naturally willing to borrow.

The emperor and the palace have given a lot of things, but those things can be decorated and worn, but they can't be sold as pawns, and no one dares to ask for such things.

The people who came had to give up.

Although I was a little unhappy in my heart, so what? It's not your relatives or friends, and I don't owe you any favors. I don't have any money to lend you, so there's nothing wrong with it.

This kind of unhappiness is just a mood for a while, and it will pass when it passes.

Some people couldn't help but ask her where she bought the land, but Qiao Xuan smiled and said it without hiding it, saying that she would grow some vegetables in the coming year, such as green cabbage, cabbage, cabbage, radish, winter melon, loofah, pepper eggplant, etc. Good to eat fresh.

The food in this capital is really too expensive, I feel distressed every time I buy food!

It's better to buy a piece of land, and you can save some money by growing vegetables.

If you can't finish eating, you can also feed some chickens and ducks. You can eat eggs and duck eggs when you have raw eggs, and you can kill one from time to time to satisfy your cravings...

The person who asked was speechless...

My heart said that if you don't buy land, wouldn't you have money to lend to me? A dozen acres of land cost two or three hundred silver, right?

How many years can I buy food for two or three hundred silver to live, and I spent so much just to grow vegetables and raise chickens and ducks!

However, this money belongs to others, and it is up to them how they are willing to spend them, so who is embarrassed to say what?

Every once in a while, someone came to borrow money. Qiao Xuan always dealt with it like this. She was also a little puzzled. Even if she and Shao Yunyun were "newcomers", the newcomers had thin skin and were too embarrassed to refuse, and they would not attract so many. People borrow money, right?

That day, someone finally leaked the word, and Qiao Xuan suddenly realized that it came from Mrs. Lin's mouth.

Without saying a word, Qiao Xuan ran to Mrs. Lin the next day to borrow money for the New Year.

The result is of course no result.

So someone came to the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan directly said that she had no money, so she went to Mrs. Lin to borrow it!

The news spread, and sure enough, no one came to borrow money.

Qiao Xuan sneered and told Shao Yunyun about this, making him watch out for Mrs. Lin's husband and some of the people who were close to her husband on a daily basis.

I'm afraid these are all the little minions of the Tian family.

Mrs. Lin was so suffocated that she couldn't break out. She originally wanted to trick Qiao Xuan in order to indirectly please the Tian family.

This Joe's is really tricky!

Mrs. Lin couldn't fool Qiao Xuan, and she couldn't help but feel a little jealous: This is the way of the world, the more such a person is, the more they can get along, there is really no reason...

At the beginning of October, Qiao Xuan received a post from the concubine Shi, the concubine of the Fourth Prince's Mansion, inviting her to climb the mountain to appreciate the red leaves and chrysanthemums in another courtyard outside the city's northern suburbs in two days.

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