Qiao Xuan smiled calmly and said, "The temperature and humidity are different inside and outside the greenhouse. Orchids are always the most sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. This is easy to see."

Everyone: "..."

Where is it easy? Can't see it at all!

"So it is!" Concubine Shi nodded, and sighed without doubt: "Mrs. Shao really knows better than others! This is what Mrs. Shao can see, we don't have such a vision. ."

All the ladies and gentlemen laughed.

Some people are secretly envious, and this is good fortune.

If it was in the past, what would this be? Who in this room would seldom know this? Whoever hears this will not laugh at her, despise her, or even ridicule her lowness, just like the florist who plants flowers and trees.

However, it was by this hand that the family saved the emperor's most important peony flower, which was helpless to the imperial gardeners in the palace!

With this one hand, he won the favor of the emperor and the empress, and received countless praises and rewards.

Who dares to look down on her because of this? Who dares to speak sarcasm? Isn't that against the palace!

Suddenly, a young lady blinked, raised her eyebrows and asked with a faint smile: "This is strange. The Qiao family doesn't seem to be good at this, right? How did Mrs. Shao know this? She has learned such exquisite skills!"

This young lady is Miss Tian, ​​Tian Shanshan's cousin, who came with her mother today.

Master Tian's family has all turned off. As cousins ​​and aunts, their mother and daughter naturally wouldn't openly embarrass Qiao Xuan on this occasion, otherwise, it wouldn't look good.

But the little girl asked a question or two out of curiosity, but no one could make a mistake.

Who does not know the grievances between the Tian family, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun?

Who doesn't know about the relationship between Qiao Xuan and the Qiao family?

Hearing this, you look at me, I look at you, everyone has some secret anticipation and excitement.

Who in the world doesn't gossip, who doesn't like to watch ripping off!

This Tian family tore up with Mrs. Shao, that's what it looks like.

Qiao Xuan glanced at her and smiled slightly: "There's a reason for this, no wonder people don't know it. I was too busy at home, so I read a lot of books and planted some things myself, and over time, I also figured out Some fame."

This is the safest and most irrefutable statement.

Even if others don't believe it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so what?

The young lady from the Tian family showed an expression of sudden realization: "So that's how it is! I see that Mrs. Shao is so young, and she has taught herself at such a level. I think almost all of her time in the boudoir will be spent on this, right? This is really self-defeating. It's gone!"

She said with a joking smile: "It seems that it's good to be unloved and neglected at home. Who knows if I will learn something from this, and will it be useful in the future?"

She looked at Qiao Xuan again and joked: "Speaking of which, Mrs. Shao has to thank your mother-in-law, otherwise, Mrs. Shao would not have the chance to learn!"

Some people couldn't help but laugh out loud, while others kept their mouths shut.

But everyone understood what Miss Tian's family meant. She was mocking Qiao Xuan for being unfavored when she was in her parents' house, and she secretly accused her of being unconscionable and unfilial. Although Mrs. Qiao San snubbed her and did not love her, it was precisely because of this that she was Acquiring this skill will be rewarded for meritorious deeds! Speaking of which, Mrs. Qiao San should be credited.

(End of this chapter)

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