Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1119: It doesn't matter

Mother Zhu smiled and agreed, and couldn't help but said again: "It's just... Princess Princess, will the Tian family and the fourth prince..."

The princess of Anping County sneered: "I have so little blood and blood with the prince, isn't it enough to back down over the years? How is he going to stay? I just hope that Yi'er can live this life happily, at least the prince and I are still there. When the time comes, I will never let him suffer any more grievances, but I can't take care of him!"

Although the emperor said that they could have other children to comfort him, he also said that the title of the prince of the county must be an eldest son. Isn't this not clear enough?

The emperor was trapped by an unscrupulous Taoist priest and almost lost his life, but he knew about such a shameful thing. Even though the emperor felt guilty for Yi'er, he was even more afraid of himself, for fear that his family would leak out and make him humiliated.

He's just afraid that he wants to disappear quickly!

Only dead people can keep secrets. If they have children, what if they tell them? Can he tolerate it?

Besides, she doesn't want to be born again! Her Yier is so good, she will not have another love for Yier that has been degraded.

Yi'er has nothing left, and can no longer be without the love of her father, mother and concubine.

At that time, she told herself that as long as Yi'er was happy, she wouldn't care, ignore or ignore anything else.

Yi'er likes to be close to Mrs. Shao. If she wants to find Mrs. Shao, just go there. Can't the Tian family see it? Oh, then come find her!

Others are afraid of the Tian family and the fourth prince. When have they been afraid of the Pingjun Wangfu?

"You reminded me," the Princess of Anping County said again: "Find someone to keep an eye on the Tian family. The Tian family may not dare to look for our house. It is difficult to guarantee that they will not bully the soft or embarrass Shao Bianxiu and Mrs. Shao. Shao Bianxiu and Mrs. Shao must not be allowed. It's a loss because of this."

Madam Zhu sighed inwardly and responded with a smile.

The little prince is still a child at heart. Although the Shao family courtyard is small, he still likes to play with Qiao Xuan in the past.

Sometimes Shao Yunyun is also there, so one person watching the child becomes two people watching.

There wasn't much to play in the yard, so the couple took the little prince out for a walk.

The little prince is honorable, the Anping County King, the County Princess, Mammy Zhu, Uncle Jiang, Xiaotuan, etc., even if they accompany him out of the house, it is impossible to go shopping in the market, and at the multi-night festival, take him to the light market, which is the most visited on weekdays. That is, on Zhuangzi.

After all, on a restaurant? What kind of delicacies are there in the house! Canoeing on the lake? There is a lake and a painting boat in the house.

Buying clothes and treasures? There are embroidered tailors in the house who specialize in cutting and embroidery, and Xiao Shizi is not interested in antique curiosities at all.

Those other dandy and noble sons occasionally take him to play at various banquets and gatherings. Who would invite him to go shopping?

After all, they go shopping, fight cocks, or drink flowers and wine and listen to songs, which is not suitable for Xiao Shizi.

Therefore, Xiao Shizi didn't go out for a while. Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun took him out, but they were so happy for him.

He liked the rough little clay figurines, tumblers and other gadgets on the stall. Every time he bought some gadgets to take home, he showed them to the princess of Anping County with great enthusiasm, and the princess of Anping County was also very happy.

Qiao Xuan also asked Shao Yunyun to find someone to draw some smart and interesting animal paintings, trace them on thin wooden boards, color them, ask a craftsman to carefully cut them, break them up into irregular puzzle pieces, and take Xiao Shizi to make them together— - It's not good to go out all the time, or puzzles are the best way to kill time.

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