Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1121: robbed of luck

After all, this is what the emperor said in the first place!

Don't talk about her, the two families, Master Qiao and Master Qiao, who were both happy and gloating when they cut off their relationship, were once again extremely boring.

The two of them couldn't help complaining about their wives in private. If they hadn't invited them back to sign and sign, wouldn't it be all right?

Mrs. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao were also jealous of this time and again, and they were blamed by their husbands, and one of them was on Qiao Hongxi: "He is that Qiao Xuan's brother, not only does he not persuade him a word What can I say? Qiao Xuan is a third-party person after all, so naturally the third-party is more talkative!"

The other couldn't help but said: "...this is too evil, how did this series of good luck fall on Qiao Xuan so coincidentally? I think this is strange! This Qiao Xuan should not be used. What kind of wicked scheme robbed our Qiao family of luck? Why did all the good things happen to her, but our family...has been unlucky..."

Mr. Qiao Er's heart moved, and after thinking about it, he really believed it.

I heard that the big brother was not going well for a while, and suffered a lot of idleness.

I take care of Zhuangzi by myself, and the harvest this year is not very good.

The third and first room are even more unfortunate. Hongxi's demotion is a joke, the third is excluded from the job, the marriage of the first daughter is abolished, and the other concubine's shameless thing is also abolished... ..

How can it be so coincidental?

The brothers have always had a very tacit understanding on the matter of suing Sanfang, so they ran to Mrs.

Mrs. Qiao was not at ease in her heart, and these words added fuel to the fire, and the fire that was simmering in her heart suddenly ignited, and she rushed up!

Mrs. Qiao felt that what the eldest and second children said was very reasonable.

Immediately angrily, he ordered someone to call Master Qiao San and his wife over.

In fact, they didn't even think that if they insisted on severing Qiao Xuan and kicking him out, even if Qiao Hongxi strongly opposed it, it was impossible for them to change their minds.

But at this time, someone needs to come out to bear the anger and grievances, so as to prove that this favor and wealth was not pushed out by their own hands, so they can't care about it.

Mr. Qiao San and Mrs. Qiao San were dizzy and inexplicable after being scolded, and it took a long time to figure out what was going on.

Mrs. Qiao was trembling with anger, her teeth rattling.

Damn old woman!

Helping the big house and the second house swindled their third house so much money, and now they are blaming them for that little **** Qiao Xuan! Do you regret driving that little **** away?

Mrs. Qiao San felt a little happy in her heart! They deserve their bad luck!

As for her own family, she is also unlucky - she has broken the jar and has no ideas.

Master Qiao San also felt wronged, how could his son not listen to his elders? Can you blame him?

However, when it comes to whether Qiao Xuan has stolen the luck of the Qiao family, Mr. Qiao San couldn't help but feel a little suspicious!

This sounds reasonable!

The old lady Qiao said angrily: "You should think about it quickly, is there anything wrong with Qiao Xuan's dead girl? You are her parents, so you don't know everything! It's only after taking it back, otherwise it's too cheap for her!"

Madam Qiao sneered in her eyes, but said nothing.

After all, her son is still an official, and her husband is also an official. How can it be worse?

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