Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1124: Qiao Xuan returns home

This is just a precautionary preparation, in fact, no one may ask.

At most, when the little prince came to play, just tell Mammy Zhu.

The date of departure was set in mid-October, and in a few days, everything was ready, and the two of them were a little reluctant to part.

This difference is at least forty days!

In fact, Shao Yunyun wanted Qiao Xuan to simply spend the New Year at home and come back when the spring flowers bloom in the coming year, but Qiao Xuan refused.

Of course she will come back to accompany her husband for the New Year!

She has made plans to hurry on the road, and it will take up to twenty days for her to come and go. Stay at home for about seven or eight days, and be sure to rush back to the capital by the end of November.

It's easy to travel by light carriage, as long as you have enough money, what kind of good carriages and horses can't be hired? Don't worry at all!

Shao Yunyun was also reluctant to be separated from her for too long, and repeatedly told her to be careful on the road, and tacitly agreed to wait for her to come back for the New Year.

However, she hadn't set out yet, and he was already reluctant.

The two cherish the rest of the time together, like paint and glue, you and I, every night of dry wood and fire, are full of love, and can't wait to waste a moment.

The night was so lingering that Qiao Xuan took half a day to sleep during the day. Li Xia and Li Qiu blushed and dared not speak, pretending they didn't know anything.

Qiao Xuan is the same, pretending to be like that.

She also doesn't want to make up for sleep without restraint, it's too eye-catching! But when I woke up in the morning, my whole body was sore, especially my waist, and it was hard to hook my fingers. It was only when I lay down and took a good hot bath that I felt comfortable.

Every time the two girls pretended not to know anything, looked straight, Qiao Xuan was so ashamed that she secretly vowed not to do this tonight. But in the evening, when I think of the soon to be separated, I can't care about anything.

Later, she simply gave up the idea!

The most important thing is Xianggong, the other Buddhist systems!

In order to cover people's eyes and ears, on the day of departure, Shao Yunyun didn't send her off, he tied a cape for her, kissed her face and lips, held her hand and said warmly: "Be careful to put on more clothes on the way, don't catch a cold, don't worry too much. Hurry up and see the situation. If you really can't come back, don't force it."

Qiao Xuan's heart warmed, her eyes as bright as autumn water looked at Shao Yunyun, and she said with a smile, "Don't worry, Xianggong, you can see that everything can be bright and bright. It shows that we are lucky! This journey will definitely go smoothly."

At least there is no need to worry about safety issues!

If someone really wants to find fault, she can't wait...

Shao Yunyun made her laugh, but she was also subconsciously relieved: "Well, my wife is full of luck, and it will go well!"

The two looked at each other and smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and reluctantly said a lot of nonsense, and then they separated.

Qiao Xuan took a low-key car out of the city and went straight to Tianjin.

Song Shi went to Tianjin yesterday and arranged everything in advance.

After the three of Qiao Xuan's master and servant arrived, they immediately changed their carriages and hurried on their way.

It’s still October, and the weather is slightly cooler in the morning and evening, but it’s not that cold yet. If the weather is good and the sun is bright during the day, it will still feel hot at noon.

But overall, the weather is perfect for a rush.

Qiao Xuan naturally refused to waste it.

The journey was smooth.

There was only one day when Qiao Xuan sensed that it was going to rain, so she only traveled for half a day, excused her tiredness and stayed to rest. She stopped traveling that day and found an inn in that small town after lunch.

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