Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1134: What can the Ding family give them?

Zhou was bullied at her husband's house before. Although Aunt Zhou never thought about reconciliation, she also asked Grandma Ding Wu to speak kindly and persuaded Zhou to be patient and to endure it for more than ten years.

But when the Zhou family and Ding Erzhu broke up with the Ding family, when their granddaughter was forced to death and her face was torn, the Zhou family couldn't bear it any longer, and chose to stand on the side of their daughter and son-in-law, smashing the Ding family into trouble. .

After that, the two are deadly enemies.

Now that their daughter and son-in-law are living well now, the Ding family wants to come to the door to find a bargain. How can there be such a thing? If this doesn't knock them out, it'll be over in the future.

Ding Erzhu has been in charge of things for more than two years. He is no longer the submissive and timid Ding Erzhu that he used to be. In addition, he was heartbroken by his parents and left the house. He has long been cold to them. Where can there be any feelings for them?

Needless to say, the death of Ding Xiang (she believed that her daughter was dead) was an eternal pain in her heart. Every time she thought about it, her heart pierced, and she hated the Ding family even more.

That's not a relative, that's an enemy who can't wait to drink their blood and eat their flesh.

Everyone in Zhangjia Village naturally helped Ding Erzhu and his wife. Let’s not say that the Ding family is irrational, but they still want to work in the tea farm and Xilitian to earn money. Who can help?

Although there are a lot of people working in Shaoding Village when the tea farm is busy, it still needs a lot of people to work, the tea farm needs to be expanded, and the workshop needs to be manned. This is all money!

What can the Ding family give them?

"My God, go out of the house! My own son, how much hatred and how much hatred!"

"Haha, after leaving the house, you still have the face to come to the door? This family really isn't something."

"It's weird if it's a good thing. After all, who can force his own granddaughter to death?"

"Forcing my granddaughter to death, forcing my son to go out of the house, and scolding others for being unfilial, so vicious!"

"That's it! It's shameless!"

"That's what God has eyes on. Good people have good rewards. Look at how good they are now, Brother Ding and sister-in-law. Some people are jealous, but they won't come!"



Grandma Ding Wu and his group were angry, ashamed and hated. Grandma Ding Wu glared at Ding Erzhu fiercely and wanted to pounce on him and scratch him: "You are making thunder and smashing unfilial things all the time, just watching outsiders bully your parents like this!"

However, before she could get close, someone grabbed her with all her hands.

"Hey you bitch~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what are you doing?"

"Killing people in our village? Try it!"

Grandma Ding Wu shouted angrily: "That's my son! My mother taught her son who is in charge!"

An old lady smiled and said, "Yo, now I know it's your son? What's the name of a son after you've gone out of the house!"

Everyone laughed.

The Ding family did not catch a single grass, and were driven away in embarrassment.

Of course they couldn't do it like that. When they returned to Shaoding Village, Ding Wu's grandma and Ding Wu's father took their two sons and daughter-in-law to the Shao family's big house to find Fang and Uncle Shao for evaluation.

Shao Yunyun is the champion and an official. They don't dare to spread the fire in their stomachs. Otherwise, if it was the temperament of Yi Ding Wu's grandmother in the past, they would have torn up with Mr. Fang when she came to the door.

It's really hard for her to be able to reason with her stomach full of fire now.

However, it was useless for her to reason, and Mrs. Fang ignored it at all: Didn't you all let Ding Erzhu go out of the house? The relationship is broken early, what can I say? Besides, the people were hired by the old couple of her family, so wait for them to come back and talk to them!

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