Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1205: a bolt from the blue

Really, what did she do? He glanced at her with a displeased face, and subconsciously reached out his hand to help the Qin shi and shrank back abruptly, when she didn't see it?

No wonder.

If the Qin family had no ability, how could he have given birth to the eldest son before he married his own son, and the second son was half a year older than her son?

Qin Shi was also really calm. The two sons were close to him, and they were not in a hurry to come back. Instead, they steadily raised the two children outside until they were twelve years old and the other was seven years old before returning.

At this time, the two children have grown up, and the probability of being calculated by others is small, and she does not have to worry about her own wife forcibly adopting her son.

Especially the eldest son, who is twelve years old, can get married in two years!

Ha ha!

This patience and scheming, I am afraid that few women in this world can match.

Zheng thought, even if his parents were still alive at this moment, Qin's mother and son would return to Zhao's house, right? Her parents were gone, but it only made her happier and less afraid and resisted.

Zheng Shi knows that people have come to him, no matter what he says is useless.

The family has two sons, they can act, and the husband's heart is clearly biased towards others. So, even if you say no, what's the use?

Zheng Shi severely suppressed the bad breath in his heart, and ordered someone to help Qin Shi and send him to the wing to rest.

Not very happy to question Zhao Mu, why did it take so many years to tell her about it? Is she ignorant or what?

Of course she was not happy, no woman would be happy when she saw it.

She didn't make trouble on the spot to embarrass Zhao Mu, she already gave face very much.

Sure enough, Zhao Mu appeared to be embarrassed and guilty. He faltered and didn't know how to explain it. He had to say that the two children were destined not to return to the house early, and they have been living in the Taoist temple...

How can he say that the Zheng family is not virtuous? Zheng Shi successively took two concubines for him!

Zheng Shi didn't believe what he said, but it would be good to have it.

She can't get a bad reputation, otherwise, she'll be nothing, what about her son?

This Qin family is too difficult to deal with! She must take precautions early!

This woman can cry like this. As long as she sees people, she will be wronged and cry without saying a word. She doesn't need to say anything. She will definitely be called a jealous woman and a bad woman.

With Zhao Mu's words, the Zheng family immediately took the matter into reality.

And helped to compile a complete and logical story: Qin's two children born with eight characters are light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be raised in a Taoist temple in order to return to the house, otherwise not only will the children be afraid. If there is a disaster, there will be a disaster on the house. Now that the master is sure that everything is fine, this is the time to make it public, and this is the time to take him back to the palace!

In fact, the old servant and the Zheng family knew about this matter, but they couldn't say it. The Qin family is not an outer chamber, but a serious concubine's chamber!

In order to celebrate the return of their mother and son, Zheng also proposed to put a drink to celebrate, and it was a lively one!

Zhao Mu felt ashamed of her first, and secondly, seeing her so virtuous and happy, he immediately agreed to her.

The Zheng family didn't give him a chance to regret at all, and the next day he publicized the incident and the drinking.

At that time, the city of Yangzhou was very lively.

Anyone who knows it, praises Zheng's virtuousness!

Qin Shi secretly hated in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

With such a move by the Zheng family, she has completely cut off her attempts to throw dirty water on the Zheng family and accuse her of being unvirtuous.

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