Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1209: make yourself smart

Zheng's claim to be sick is not for nothing, and she has to spend money to buy various supplements such as ginseng, bird's nest, fish gelatin, gelatin, etc. The price is, of course, as much as she reports.

As far as Zhao Zhai's marriage was concerned, the Zheng family made more than 35,000 taels of silver from the public account.

Zheng Shi, who was counting the bank notes, felt quite satisfied, and she wouldn't mind if this sort of thing happened again!

Zheng Shi comfortably pretended to be sick and taught his son, Qin Shi was so proud that he wanted to fly when he walked.

She is a concubine, but she can see her daughter-in-law in person and make decisions about her son's marriage. What an honorable and dignified thing!

It's just that, in this way, among the real high-profile families with identities and dignities, whose head mistress would be willing to talk to a concubine about their children's marriage?

That would be laughed at to death!

Even if there is a concubine in the family to marry, Zhao Zhai is not considered.

As for the daughter-in-law? What are you thinking!

Not even the eldest son!

Unless it is the eldest son of a famous concubine, or there is no direct son in that family.

The Qin family was flabbergasted, and she actually wanted to marry the direct daughter of the family that was in the right household with the Zhao family.

How else can we say that people are not enough to swallow elephants? She subconsciously thought, it would be great if she was the direct wife, and if she was the direct wife, who would dare to look down on her!

In the face of the facts, Qin shi had to lower his stance.

The direct daughter who is in the right household with the Zhao family didn't dare to think about it, so she could only marry at a lower level.

Anyway, she must marry a daughter.

In the end, it was told to her that it became a family.

That family also has hundreds of acres of fertile fields and operates several small and medium-sized shops.

When Zheng Shi heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

A girl from such a family has to be assigned to the sons of several housekeepers of the Zhao family, right?

Qin Shi is really not picky!

Really can't be considered a pick!

Zhao Mu didn't know about this marriage at first, but he didn't know until the change of Geng Tie was settled.

After checking the family background carefully, Zhao Mu almost died of anger, and scolded Qin sternly.

Zhao Mu was really **** off by the Qin family this time, and he had never seen such an ignorant and idiotic woman. However, these Geng posts have already been changed, and none of them have just changed the Geng posts, and even the wedding date was set in three months by the Qin family.

This doesn't make sense.

Zhao Mu doesn't do things that are unreasonable, but he can't do it on the bright side.

Because of this, Zhao Muxin was blocked for almost half a month, ignoring Qin's family, and did not go to Qin's yard.

But it made Qin Shi anxious.

Qin Shi knows better than anyone else~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Her only support is Zhao Mu. She is not like the Zheng family, who has a huge industry. If Zhao Mu doesn't want her, she will be finished!

Qin Shi tried his best to find an opportunity to please Fu Ruan and apologize.

Zheng shi watched from the sidelines, watching a big drama.

She was even more disdainful in her heart, this Zhao Mu seemed to be nothing more than the Qin family!

She was really blind at the beginning, how could she like this kind of man.

After waiting for Qin Shi for half a month and letting her learn enough lessons, Zhao Mu forgave Qin Shi.

He could see it clearly. To be a good wife, there is only Zheng Shi, and only Zheng Shi can really do things.

Qin Shi is not that material at all!

As for the concubine's room, take good care of yourself, just say something to please yourself and make yourself happy, you shouldn't expect her to do business.

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