Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1216: choose each other

He must not choose the wrong person!

Who would have guessed that Shao Yunyun was instructed by Mrs. Yun, who publicly stated that he would no longer accept apprentices, and was favored by the eldest prince. Zhao Shu finally felt relieved and made up his mind!

As Uncle Qing said, Master Shao and Mrs. Shao's husband and wife were able to get from the countryside in Yuzhang to where they are today, not all by luck, but by luck and strength.

Moreover, it can be seen from how they treat the Lezheng family and the villagers in Shaoding Village that their conduct can be trusted.

If such people miss out again, who else can they find?

However, if they are happy, they have to see if Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan are happy. It is also not so easy for them to contact Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan.

Visiting for no reason - who cares about you?

Zhao Shu didn't dare to act recklessly. If he wanted the greatest assurance, he had to choose the most suitable time.

After going back and forth, it was not until this time when Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan went out to enjoy the snow that he dared to meet them.

After that, there was a long wait.

It was inevitable, he knew it in his heart.

Even if Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were willing to cooperate with them, they would definitely investigate him.

But he believed they would accept him. Just looking at their cooperation with Lezhengjia, they will definitely not dislike one more powerful family who is sincerely willing to cooperate with them.

Isn't it right for you?

He wasn't afraid to investigate, but in the end he was a little uneasy when things weren't settled.

Finally, after the Lantern Festival, Qiao Xuan gave a definite answer, and Uncle Zhao Shuqing was so happy!

When Shao Yunyun came back in the evening, Qiao Xuan told him about it with a smile. Shao Yunyun nodded and said with a smile, "I was thinking about this in my heart, and I was about to say it. It would be good to see him in three days."

The two smiled at each other.

Cha also checked it out. Both Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun felt that Zhao Shu would be a very good partner to cooperate with. Naturally, set it up early, and save money from delays!

A new year, a new look, isn't it good to go to the next level?

Three days later, Qiao Xuan, Shao Yunyun, Zhao Shu and Qing Shu met in the remote Yunjian Teahouse with elegant environment.

Zhao Shu kept his posture very low, and Uncle Qing arrived early. Seeing that Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun entered the teahouse and just went up to the second floor, he hurriedly greeted him, smiled and bowed his hands: "Sir, ma'am! It is Zhao Shu's honor to be honored, please, please!"

Uncle Qing also greeted him with a smile, and glanced at his son, his nose was a little sour. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Thinking that when Mrs. was still there, the young master had a wife who was loving, pampering, and protecting him, so why did he need to lower his stance and make a smile on others? Since his wife passed away, the son has changed a lot.

But he would rather the son is still the old son, and he would rather he never changed.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were not the ones who took Qiao. Shao Yunyun nodded and raised his hand, answered politely, and took Qiao Xuan and his master and servant into the box.

Zhao Shu just smiled awkwardly, rubbing his hands subconsciously, perhaps because he was nervous, he was a little overwhelmed and didn't know how to speak, and he didn't have the cheeky "accidental encounter" of the farmer that day.

Thinking of that day, he was quite willing to give up, and what he sees now is his nature.

Qiao Xuan smiled inwardly, waiting for Shao Yunyun to speak.

In this era, in the eyes of everyone, Shao Yunyun, as her husband, is the one who can make decisions. Shao Yunyun's words are more convincing and more trustworthy. She is not in a hurry to speak.

Anyway, she is the one who actually calls the shots.

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