Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1218: Give me the 100,000 mu mulberry land deed

He nodded quickly, thought for a while and then said: "I have 70,000 mu of land in Hangzhou now, and if I buy another 30,000 mu, how about buying 5,000 mu if I make up 100,000 mu, Chashan? It's just, this flower tea.... ..really do..."

"Yes." Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "Daqin still doesn't have the craftsmanship to make perfume. It doesn't matter what happens in the future, now the money will naturally only be earned by us. At that time, the workshops will be built near the flower fields, and the workers will all use the death deeds to buy them. People. Scented tea is the same, don't worry, it doesn't take much flowers."

"it is good!"

Thinking about it, everyone has already thought about it, and Zhao Shu is relieved.

After the new year, the biting chill in the air has obviously gradually faded away, and the cold wind has become more and more gentle. If the arrangement is early at this time, there will be harvests this year.

It is the plan of the year that springs!

For three consecutive days, Zhao Shu and Uncle Qing and Aunt Qing visited Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun's house and settled the matter properly.

The land purchase was handed over to Zhao Shu, and Qiao Xuan did not own it. Qiao Xuan only owned the shares of the perfume workshop. The profit was divided into 50 to 50 percent. The daily management is dominated by Zhao Shu.

All the cost of building the workshop is also 55 cents, but Qiao Xuan provides the technology, and the amount of money she needs to take is naturally much less.

Zhao Shu originally said that she did not need to take one or two silver coins, but Qiao Xuan refused.

The 100,000 acres of flower fields have been planted with roses, roses, jasmine, sweet-scented osmanthus, lily, and cloves, as well as some lemons, cedars, sandalwood, camphor, iris, patchouli, bergamot, orange, Mint, orchid, etc. are used for fragrance.

There are many rich people in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are many gardeners who specialize in planting flowers and trees to provide flowers and trees for wealthy families. In addition, flower tea has also become popular in the past three or four years, and more people are planting flowers.

In particular, jasmine, rose, rose, gardenia, etc., and the osmanthus in Hangzhou is famous all over the world, and there are countless osmanthus trees.

Therefore, there is no problem in getting a good and sufficient number of flower seedlings!

As for lilies, it is better to find them. There are many people who plant lilies. They buy the stems and plant them when the weather is right.

Only cloves will be slightly difficult to purchase in large quantities, but it can be solved with a little more time and money.

Zhao Shu and Uncle Qing will do it themselves.

The site of the workshop is close by, and a Zhuangzi similar to a holiday yard is built. Building a workshop in the Zhuangzi can well achieve the effect of avoiding people's eyes.

The tea farm should preferably be near the flower field, which is convenient for future management~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan told Zhao Shu again, asking him to sell the 100,000 mu of mulberry fields in Yangzhou to herself.

Zhao Shu was stunned for a moment.

Qiao Xuan explained with a smile: "This mulberry field produces mulberry silk, but you can't get one or two silvers every year. Do you plan to continue like this? After a few years, you will still buy it from me. You If you can't believe me, we can write it clearly in black and white."

Zhao Shu immediately understood what Qiao Xuan meant, his eyes were hot, and he was so moved that he wanted to kneel down and kowtow to her.

"No, I trust Fifth Madam, and I don't need to buy this sangtian. I will hand over the land deed to you, and you can give me half of the money you get back! By the way, I will give you all the IOUs from the previous few years! "

Those IOUs are just a piece of waste paper in his hand. As a son, can he still ask Laozi for debts? Does he want fame?

But in Qiao Xuan's hands, it's different!

That is "debt and repayment, right and proper"!

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