Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1225: Solve the Zhao family as soon as possible

When Shao Yunyun came back, it was really late at night, and he seemed to have drank a lot, but he was not drunk. He knew that he would smile at her and call "Miss!", and would hug and kiss her.

Qiao Xuan originally wanted to tell him what happened to Zhao Zhai today, but she had to give up when she saw it.

I called the guy in the inn to bring hot water over, and after a brief wash, the two rested.

The next day, when she opened her eyes and saw Shao Yunyun still by her side, Qiao Xuan was a little surprised and couldn't help but smile, "I thought you were out on errands earlier!"

Shao Yunyun lightly smiled and took her into his arms, "This errand is not so urgent, just explain it. Besides, just arrived, naturally take a few days off."

Anyway, the prefect of Yangzhou will send someone to help with the process, which is very convenient.

Besides, the crown prince knew that his errand this time was not to collect books, and he didn't have to worry about it.

When Qiao Xuan heard it, it was the same, the emperor is far away these days, so there is no need to worry about these two days when running errands!

Immediately, I was greatly relieved, so, it is better to resolve the matter of the Zhao family as soon as possible!

Qiao Xuan immediately talked about the incident with Zhao Zhai yesterday, and Shao Yunyun smiled and said, "My lady is lucky, I think our trip will go well! Such parents can teach a good son, Zhao Shu is a thorn in the side. , it is almost certain that the brothers will not get along!"

Qiao Xuan smiled: "This is a good thing for us!"

At noon, Sun Bai and Sun Qian both came back, and Uncle Qing came along with them.

Uncle Qing knew that they had come to Yangzhou, so he came from Hangzhou to say hello. By the way, do you need any help?

Uncle Qing knows the Zhao family better than them, and he is also familiar with Yangzhou. He has his own way and contacts.

Qiao Xuan asked about Hangzhou, and when she learned that everything went well, she was very happy to leave Uncle Qing.

According to the specific information Sun Qian heard, Zhao Mu's business has been very prosperous as always in these years, he has made countless money, and is firmly ranked as the richest man in Yangzhou.

Zhao Shu has been away from Yangzhou for many years, and the old servants of the Zhao family have been exchanged for seventy-eighty-eight by the Qin family who is now the master of the house, and the Qin family has secretly ordered them to go on.

Therefore, many people in the Zhao family did not even know that there was a third son in their family.

Even if he knew it, he only knew that the third son had a quirky temper, ignorance, ugly appearance, and poor health. He had been doing nothing for all these years, and he didn't know when he would come back, or maybe he had suffered an accident and couldn't come back.

These things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhao Mu knows it's hard to tell, but he has never shown concern for Zhao Shu.

The brothers Zhao Zhai and Zhao Ye, of course, wanted to take a big part in this huge family business.

The unlucky Zhao Zhai has never been able to give birth to a direct son. Although he now has a son and a daughter, they are both concubines and their health is not very good. The daughter seemed a little dull, and she was slow no matter what she did.

In short, it's not flattering at all, and most importantly, it's not flattering to the Qin family at all!

Zhao Ye got married two years ago and married the Zhou family. In the middle of last year, the Zhou family gave birth to a big fat son. He was fat and cute. Qin family and Zhao Mu were very fond of him.

Especially the Qin family, who treats this precious grandson as his heart and loves him very much.

Even with Zhao Ye, she liked it even more.

In addition, Zhao Ye was smarter than Zhao Zhai, and Zhao Zhai was suppressed by his brother, especially in the past two years.

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