Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1245: scolded him for being greedy

Don't be afraid that they won't confess under severe punishment!

As long as they use torture to get a confession, let's see what else they have to say!

It is a pity that the distance between him and the prefect is still a little bit closer. The prefect failed to understand his hint, and said that it was too late, and the plaintiff and the defendant were taken into custody and retrialed the next day.

Uncle Qing and Sun Qian didn't care.

Anyway, Shao Yunyun took care of him, and he spent a night in this prefect's yamen.

Zhao Ye was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but say, "Sir, this..."

Does the prefect want to imprison him too?

The prefect ignored him and stood up with his sleeves up, "Retire!"

Zhao Ye: "..."

When the news that Zhao Ye was taken into custody reached the Zhao residence, Zhao Mu secretly sighed in relief.

The prefect did not pronounce the verdict in court, indicating that there is still room for reversal of the matter.

Maybe the prefect is implying something.

Thinking of so many precious gifts sent out today, but not even seeing the prefect's face, Zhao Mu was a little unwilling, and after thinking about it, he decided to go again...

This time, the prefect met him, but the old **** was there, and he was unpredictable. He just played Taijiquan with him there. His face was gentle and smiling, but he didn't give him a word of truth.

Zhao Mu's heart is full of anger!

scolded him for being greedy.

He felt that the prefect was disgusted with getting too little benefit.

Zhao Mu gritted his teeth and had to take a big step back, implying that the prefect, when he got the 100,000 mu of mulberry fields, would definitely send the 30,000 mu land deed to the prefect, and the prefect would not be in charge of anything. The net income is directly sent to the prefect...

I have to say that Zhao Mu worked very hard to win the property of his own son.

Cut flesh and bleed at all costs!

The prefect's face was turbulent, and his heart was also in the pain of cutting flesh and blood...

Being an official in this area of ​​Jiangnan, I would be sorry for myself if I didn't make money. However, he is very clear about what money he can take and what he can't take, and what he can do and what he can't do.

Greed is also right.

He is a bottom line person!

I have to say, Zhao Mu's sugar-coated cannonballs are fast and accurate! He has plenty of weight, great power, and deep temptation. If it wasn't for Shao Yunyun, he might have taken the risk.

For the land deed of 30,000 mu of mulberry fields, you don't have to manage anything by yourself. Every year, you only need to pay pure dividends, and you will have 200,000 taels of silver anyway!

What a huge amount of money this is...  

It's a pity, compared with the future and the life of the net worth, money must be ranked behind!

The prefect pretended not to understand Zhao Mu's words, and was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the temptation, so he quickly sent him away in a few words.

Zhao Mu is confused...

Does the adult not understand or is not satisfied? ?

If you are not satisfied~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is too much, right? Given such a large portion to him, what else do you want?

Zhao Mu had no choice but to return to the mansion for the time being.

When I got home, I suddenly remembered, my dear, I forgot the second one!

Originally, this trip to the prefect's yamen was to fish out the second child, but the prefect was beaten by the prefect's Taijiquan, so he didn't mention it.

If it was another trip, it would not be suitable. Zhao Mu frowned and had to give up for the time being.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shi felt sorry for his son and quit, crying and talking in front of him, for fear that his son would suffer in the yamen.

Her son has never suffered since he was a child, how can he bear this? This prefect is too much. He takes advantage of his own family every year. How can he be so ruthless?

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