"People just said this, but it was the big brother who did it. Even if you go to them, you can't justify it."

He also wanted to say, Big Brother is such an old man, doesn't he know what to do and what not to do? If people say a word, he will do it? Is he out of his mind?

You deserve to be scammed...  

It's just that when he was trapped, the whole family was hurt badly by him...

400,000 taels of silver, plus the 10,000 taels that my mother took out, plus the apology, I can't think about it anymore, and his chest will hurt even if I think about it!

Qin Shi was still unconvinced and scolded a lot, but because of this incident, she was also scolded by the master and kicked. ".

Zhao Zhai glanced at her and Zhao Ye, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

He didn't blame Brother Lin. Brother Lin had always been on good terms with him, so how could he possibly cheat on him? He didn't know that this kind of thing couldn't be done, so how could Brother Lin know?

Brother Lin just did something bad with good intentions, how could he blame him?

What he didn't know was that his brother Lin happily moved away with his wife and children with a large sum of money and returned to his hometown of Zhenjiang.

Zhao Mu only paid the government a fine of 300,000 taels, and the other 100,000 taels paid to the Shao family, but he refused to pay them all. He only paid 20,000 yuan, and Zhao Zhai had to pay the remaining 80,000 taels himself.

Zheng Qing is abominable, and the dog is fighting against people's power, and actually sent people to the door to remind them and let them quickly apologize for the compensation!

This kind of thing really can't be delayed, and it will be a long night dream.

Where does Zhao Zhai have 80,000 silver?

But he didn't dare to ask his father, he had no choice but to ask his mother.

When Qin Shi heard that he wanted 80,000 silver, he began to tremble again.

It's all money!

"Hey, 100,000 taels, why don't they grab it! If they don't give it, what can he do!"

Zhao Ye was exhausted, "Mother, the Shao family is not a talkative family, not to mention that there are Zhao Shu and Zheng Qing who are adding oil and vinegar to it, if they don't give them the money, they are afraid that they will not be happy, and they will have another. The excuse is to make trouble with the government! When the time comes..."

The prefect now really has an opinion on their family. This is also his verdict. The Zhao family refuses to compensate and apologize, which means they are dissatisfied with his judgment. Can the prefect be happy?

Qin Shi was speechless for a while, and cursed bitterly: "This Shao family is too abominable! And Zhao Shu, the bastard, who is in trouble with the Shao family, and harming his own father~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Really deserves it. Thunder strikes!"

Zhao Ye was too lazy to correct his mother, Zhao Shu was no longer his father's son.

Qin shi could only take the money reluctantly.

But even if she has been in charge of the house for a few years, the public account has its own housekeeper and accountant. Every three months, Zhao Mu will pass the purpose. Twenty taels, thirty fifty taels, and so on.

When you meet the annual energy saving, you can spend a little more time, even if it is less than three or five hundred at a time.

Accumulated over the years, plus what Zhao Mu asked for, the cash was only around 20,000.

It cost 10,000 taels to redeem Zhao Zhai from the prison, and the remaining amount is just over 10,000 taels, which is still a long way from the boss!

She also did not dare to ask the master at this moment, so she had to choose to sell things.

Now that she has been deprived of her stewardship, there is no way to move the things in the warehouse, so she can only think of something else.

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