Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1287: Watching Qiao Xuan, the boss is upset

The wages are twenty-five to thirty-five cents a day, which is already a lot of income for the villagers.

There are two people working in the family. Even if they don't work every day, their income in January is quite considerable.

With income, clothing, food, housing, and transportation have changed somewhat. Some people have a flexible mind, save enough capital, borrow a little more, run to the city to start small businesses, and some buy land to open up wasteland, so the life of every household is better than before. on many!

For the big house of the Shao family, I am naturally grateful.

There are also people of this class who mumble behind their backs, laughing at the villagers for being stupid and unseen in the world. They are satisfied with just such a small amount of wages in a month. The Shao family’s big house can’t tell how much they can earn. I can't spend it in several lifetimes, and I haven't seen a generous increase in wages for everyone...

For these words, Fang Shi heard that someone came to learn the tongue, but he just sneered and didn't bother to answer.

If you are willing to do it, then do it well, but if you are not happy, are you worried about not being able to hire people in this ten-mile-eight village? Don't be envious of the village already!

Fang Shi and the others didn't tell Qiao Xuan about these trivial matters. Qiao Xuan rarely came back, so she was happy.

Missing her son, Mrs Fang had to ask Qiao Xuan a lot of questions.

Knowing that Shao Yunyun rarely came back, Mrs. Fang heard Qiao Xuan talking about the excitement of the capital, and couldn't help but think about going to the capital, but it was not now.

She thinks about it, let's talk about it next year...

Yang Xiaoni is just two months pregnant now, she is naturally not going to leave the house at this time as a mother-in-law, she has to stay at home and take charge.

With her here, there are a lot of idiots.

When Qiao Xuan came back and learned that Yang Xiaoni was pregnant, she smiled and congratulated her, and even gave her a big red envelope. Yang Xiaoni smiled, and took the opportunity to ask Qiao Xuan for a calligraphy and painting written by Shao Yunyun, saying that it was to be hung in the room every day. Look, ask for a lucky lottery, so that the son can touch the talent of the fifth uncle.

Qiao Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she found a fan with Shao Yunyun inscribed poems for her, making Yang Xiaoni extremely happy.

Why didn't Mrs. Xu think of this when she saw that she was very regretful when she was pregnant? These three brothers and sisters will come.

So I also asked Qiao Xuan for it, and hung it in the room for my two sons, especially Jun Yan. Now that he is studying in the school, he needs to show his fifth uncle's talent.

Qiao Xuan also gave it.

Shao Yunyun's other words are not easy to give to others. After a long time of searching, she found a fan and a copybook with two paragraphs of the Analects for her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xu Shi thanked and thanked, like holding a treasure carefully took it away.

Qiao Xuan was even more dumbfounded, thinking that after returning to Beijing, should she ask her husband to write more fans, maybe it will be useful one day?

What Qiao Xuan didn't expect was that Shao Liulang would come to her and ask her for Shao Yunyun's hometown exam review materials and the articles she did before the hometown exam.

Normally, Qiao Xuan wouldn't mind helping her at all.

It's just that Shao Liulang's tone and demeanor made people particularly uncomfortable, as if he had endured humiliation and swallowed his voice when he asked this.

Looking at Qiao Xuan, the boss was unhappy.

Uncle Shao was full of anticipation: "Miss Qiao, hurry up and find Liulang, maybe you can help a little, and Liulang is also admitted. That is also the glory of our Shao family! In the future, the two brothers will also have an arm to help each other. !"

Qiao Xuan was even more tired, and couldn't even smile.

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