Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1289: back to Beijing

Just scavenge it and put it in the space, it is very convenient.

Shao Yunyun wouldn't ask about these things on weekdays. At most, he knew that she had put them away. If she needed it someday, she would just take it out.

Qiao Xuan and Li Xia and Li Qiu spent a whole day sorting and packing Shao Yun's things.

Shao Liulang should have something to say more or less.

Shao Yunyun must be famous now.

So Qiao Xuan picked three or four articles, Tao Tao, Shao Junyan, Sun Qian, and Sun Baiqi went to battle, and copied it again—of course she couldn't hand over the original version written by Shao Yunyun to Shao Liulang.

Anyway, it was so prepared.

As for the transcribed version, as long as it can be seen clearly and there are no mistakes or omissions, Qiao Xuan's consideration is not within the scope of Qiao Xuan's consideration.

When Shao Liulang got a copy of this, his face turned green.

Qiao Xuan smiled very kindly: "Many of my husband's belongings have been brought into the capital. I searched carefully and found only this. Sixth cousin, please don't dislike it! If sixth cousin wants something else, wait until When the husband comes back, the sixth cousin will tell him personally!"

Shao Liulang sneered in his heart. He will participate in the autumn festival in July next year. If he passes the exam, he will participate in the spring festival the year after. How could Shao Yunyun return to Beijing in these two years? Qiao Xuan's words were nothing but prevarication.

But he couldn't say that there was anything wrong with Qiao Xuan.

She is just a woman, how could she understand her husband's academic and academic matters? She doesn't know just doesn't know.

Shao Liulang took these things with a cold face, but he didn't smile: "So, thank you cousin and cousin! Sister-in-law and cousin's kindness will definitely be remembered by Liulang!"

Qiao Xuan was not angry, she asked, is your tone of honor or revenge? He also smiled: "Sixth cousin has a conscience, it's so polite!"

Shao Liulang smiled grimly.

In this episode, Qiao Xuan didn't take it too seriously. The Tian family, the fourth prince, she and Shao Yunyun weren't afraid. Could they still be afraid of Shao Liulang?

Qiao Xuan stayed at home until after the Dragon Boat Festival before leaving. She had done everything she needed to do, so she was relieved.

I shouldn't come back in the second half of the year, but I should go to Jiangnan again, here at home, and come back next year.

I left home and stayed in Lezheng Mansion in the provincial capital for three more days before I reluctantly moved to Beijing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and returned to Beijing, it was the end of May.

Qiao Xuan did not expect that Shao Yunyun had received the news of their return in advance, so she took a day off and picked her up at the teahouse at the resting pavilion more than 20 miles outside the city.

Qiao Xuan was both surprised and delighted. The two of them couldn't help hugging and kissing when they got into the carriage. Xiao Biesheng's newly married sweetness was so sweet that pink bubbles appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help it.

After a long kiss, Qiao Xuan's whole body softened, leaning into Shao Yunyun's arms as if she was boneless, panting lightly, her red and slightly swollen lips, watery eyes, and the corners of her eyebrows were all pink and charming. The lazy and charming look made Shao Yunyun unable to help but bow her head and kiss her for a while.

The carriage was driving steadily on the wide and flat official road. Qiao Xuan was leaning against Shao Yunyun's arms, her brows and eyes full of joy: "Why did the husband come here to pick me up?"

Shao Yunyun's slender fingers caressed her hair lightly and lightly, "I wasn't here when you came back last time, so this time I deliberately took a break to make up for it."

"The most important thing is, I miss you!"

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