Shao Yunyun glanced at the one thousand and one willing ladies, and nodded with a smile: "Our family can't eat so much, it's a pity that it's bad in the ground!"

Zhao Shu immediately smiled and said, "Jinquan Building, which I often go to, is not bad. Why don't I tell the shopkeeper tomorrow."

Qiao Xuan was overjoyed: "That's good, let Song Shi send you a basket of strawberries tomorrow morning, and you can take it to the shopkeeper to see it!"

Zhao Shu readily agreed, this was a matter of convenience. Early the next morning, Song Shi really went to the field to pick half a basket and handed it to Zhao Shu.

Zhao Shu took his entourage to Jinquan Building.

Jinquan Tower is a well-known high-class teahouse in the capital. There are three teahouses in the city. Zhao Shu often goes there, and he is generous, but he is a well-known guest of Jinquan Tower.

Talking to the shopkeeper is easy.

The shopkeeper tasted a strawberry, his eyes lit up, and he agreed to Zhao Shu without hesitation, saying that it would not be a problem to consume 50 to 60 kilograms in one teahouse a day.

The three teahouses together are nearly two hundred catties, and each catty can be opened for two cents of silver.

Zhao Shu asked Song Shi to go with him to the Jinquan Building, and asked him to go back and report to Qiao Xuan.

Qiao Xuan saw that it was so easy to do, and naturally she would not refuse.

The final agreement was to provide one hundred and eighty catties a day for one catty and two cents of silver.

For this one item alone, thirty-six taels of silver can be harvested in one day, and thousands of taels in a month.

She has the ability to apply it, and the strawberry can bear fruit until around November, and even if the output will decrease later, it will not be obvious.

After a few months, it was several thousand taels!

And the strawberries are still growing, they can be divided every few days, and there will only be more and more.

It's a rough calculation, but it's amazing.

These few acres of strawberries alone are enough for her and Shao Yunyun to live a prosperous life in the capital without food and clothing.

I don't dare to say this at all, I have to keep a low profile, no matter how low-key, if Shao Yunyun's colleagues knew about it, I don't know how complicated it would be!

Qiao Xuan was secretly proud of herself: Her ability is so useful!

When I told Shao Yunyun in the evening, Shao Yunyun was obviously also frightened. His wife was born with a blessing. Others said that life was hard and how difficult it was to earn money. Like a child!

Qiao Xuan said with a smile: "I am afraid that twenty acres of land will not be enough next year. I want to plant some other potatoes and There is too little land. Wherever there is land for sale, no matter how much, let's buy some more!"

"If you don't have it in the suburbs, it's okay to be far away. It can be within 70 or 80 miles from the capital!"

Shao Yunyun nodded and wrote down: "I will ask tomorrow, it is not difficult to buy large tracts of fertile land, and it is not difficult to think about it."

All over the world, there are trades and purchases. This part of the capital is hard to find, but it should not be difficult in general.

Shao Yunyun is an official in the Ministry of Housing, and he has more channels than the average person. He found a suitable land within a few days. In Yunshui Town, which is more than 40 kilometers away from the capital, it is about more than 1,000 acres.

It is not easy to find such a large area of ​​familiar land.

The next day, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun took a carriage over there to have a look.

That piece of land is located at the foot of the mountain, with a flat river, and small hills with a height of one or two meters, a total of 1,200 acres. Seven thousand two.

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