Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1402: That couldn't be better

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Princess Shuangfu was raised in the deep palace, and no one taught these things. She could think of this, even if it was a mistake, it was rare.

Maps are not something that everyone can have these days. It is not uncommon for anyone who dares to hide maps in their homes to be slandered as "attempting to rebel".

Although Qiao Xuan had never seen a map, she had asked Shao Yunyun about Qingdi's climate, food, clothing, housing and transportation, folk customs and other related matters, and she could generally infer that Qingdi was probably similar to the snow area.

I brought all kinds of seeds in the past, as long as I take good care of them and choose a suitable place to plant them, I think it will not be a problem.

Qiao Xuan nodded and smiled and said, "Why not? The concubine collected some seeds for the princess, wrapped them in a bag, wrote the name on it, and posted a piece of paper to explain the suitable season temperature, whether you like dry or wet. , at that time the princess can also let people plant seeds in detail."

Princess Shuangfu was overjoyed, "That couldn't be better! Mrs. Shao, thank you!"

Princess Shuangfu's eyes were slightly moist, and she said softly: "Mrs. Shao, you are really a good person, but unfortunately I have nothing to repay you! Although the mountains are high and the road is long, if there is a chance to see you in the future, if I can help Shao Madam's, there must be no hesitation!"

"Of course, I hope, I hope not to see each other again..."

She was married far away, and there was no favored mother and concubine to think about. The prince was good to her, but it was only good. Once she married far away, no one in the palace would remember her anymore. Might be back again.

Unless Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun go to Qingdi, they will never see each other again.

However, Qingdi is not a good place, how could they go there when they are so good?

Qiao Xuan said, "Don't think like that, princess, there are infinite possibilities in the future. Who knows what will happen? Maybe in a few years, the little prince Qingdi will come to Beijing to see the emperor again, and the princess will naturally be able to accompany him! This is also uncertain."

Hearing her say this, Princess Shuangfu felt a little relieved, and she smiled: "That's right, I borrow Mrs. Shao's words, maybe there is such an opportunity!"

The two smiled at each other.

Princess Shuangfu also stayed at Qiao Xuan's house for lunch. Qiao Xuan was cooking, and Princess Shuangfu watched curiously and excitedly from the side, exclaiming and praising how amazing Qiao Xuan was!

Smelling the fragrance, I was so thirsty.

If Aunt Si hadn't stopped her, she would still want to do me a favor.

Qiao Xuan simply cooked a few home-cooked dishes at noon: twice-cooked pork, roasted chicken with potatoes, fried beef slices, steamed preserved meat platter, vinegared Chinese cabbage, and tofu fish head soup.

Princess Shuangfu's eyes are shining, she smells the fragrance, and she likes to eat everything.

She had never eaten chili, and the first time she ate this pot of pork and vinegared Chinese cabbage, she really liked the spiciness. She asked Qiao Xuan because chili was added to these two dishes, and she immediately smiled: "This chili It's really good, it's very enjoyable to eat, Mrs. Shao must prepare some pepper seeds for me!"

Qiao Xuan said with a smile.

After thinking about it, he simply smiled and said, "Why don't I write down some recipes and bring them with the princess, and let the cook do the same. Actually, you don't have to do it, just use it as a reference."

Princess Shuangfu was even happier, thanking her again and again.

In the afternoon, the two went out for a walk again.

Yesterday I went to a lively place, with delicious food and small commodities, very popular.

Today, Qiao Xuan took Princess Shuangfu to a relatively high-end luxury shopping street.

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