Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1408: At least it's better than staying in Qiao's house

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Qiao Xuan was not too willing to see Liu Yan who was sent over.

Qiao Xuan didn't like the person behind the master, and Liu Yan didn't perform well when she was staying in Shaoding Village.

If he hadn't been frightened and pinched by his own means, maybe he would have done something in a dog-like manner.

Qiao Xuan's surrender at this moment is not uncommon at all.

However, she will give her the equivalent in exchange.

Qiao Xuan asked Song Shi to send Liu Yan to Zhuangzi in Yunshui Town for the time being. After Master Qiao San and the others left Beijing, everything was arranged here, and then she would be placed there.

Afraid of things going wrong, Qiao Xuan didn't tell Liu Yan this.

Although Liu Yan was a little disappointed that she couldn't stay in Shao's house, she finally left the fire pit of Qiao's house. At this moment, she was very obedient and obedient. How could she dare to complain?

Second Miss - No, she knows Mrs. Shao's temperament to some extent. She is definitely not that mean, ignorant and vicious. No matter how she says it, she has made a great contribution to her and is a great hero. Even if she went to Zhuangzi, she would definitely No offense.

At least it will be better than staying in the Qiao family.

When Liu Yan arrived at Zhuangzi, she was satisfied with everything except the remoteness of the place.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, the weather was mostly sunny, the sky was high and the sun was bright, and the biting chill in the air subsided day by day. People in the capital had already taken off their heavy cotton coats and furs, and put on much thinner ones. cotton coat.

Master Qiao San left the capital very low-key with his wife and concubines.

Going south gradually, the temperature will gradually increase, and the journey will not be hard.

In order to pass the level of the Qiao family, he also paid a small price.

The old lady Qiao was making a fuss, and the two brothers and sisters were soft and hard, and they almost didn't clean up the house of the third room!

Of those antique treasures that Master Qiao San has worked so hard to collect over the years, only three or two of the most beloved ones have been preserved, and Mrs. Qiao asked for the rest.

And he was forced by Mrs. Qiao and her two brothers to set up a document, and they were given 600 taels of silver every year.

It was ruthlessly calculated by Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun. The Qiao family remembered it clearly. The black and white words are reliable. No matter what Mr. Qiao San said, he refused to write it down.

Master Qiao San was devastated but helpless. If he doesn't agree, he won't be able to leave at all. The two elder brothers were still fine, and the mother was making a fuss. He didn't take care of it at all, and he couldn't bear it.

The money was also exhausted, so miserable, only less than two hundred taels were brought on the road.

Two hundred taels of silver, about ten people in four carriages, food, drink and accommodation along the way, and another expense to settle down in the place...

Needless to say it was definitely not enough.

He can only think optimistically and wait until the place to find a way.

Mrs. Qiao San was so angry that her chest hurt, but that was her mother-in-law, how dare she? How can it be? She put on airs in front of Qiao Xuan, Du Yiniang and others, thinking that she was the one who could do whatever she wanted, but she was nothing in front of Mrs. Qiao.

Before Mr. Qiao San left, he wanted to see Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun, but they both refused.

What is there to see?

The Qiao family made a fuss about the transfer of Mr. Qiao San to another place. Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan also knew the inside story, but both of them just stood on the side watching the fun, and they didn't feel sorry for Mr. Qiao San.

Even if it is pitiful, it is pitiful that the poor must have something to hate.

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