Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1414: It's a little embarrassing

Nongmen Spring: There is a happy wife at home https://

"Bang!" Shao Yunyun slammed his fist on the coffee table beside him, staring at Zhao Shu coldly: "I thought that as a partner, as long as everyone obeys the rules, there is no need for other relationships. Don't check my Family, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhao Shu was dumbfounded...

My mind was empty, and I stayed there stupidly.

It was Uncle Qing who responded quickly and quickly explained: "Master Shao, don't misunderstand, our son is serious about marrying Miss Shao, and definitely not for the purpose of marriage!"

Zhao Shu also woke up and said anxiously: "Yes, Master Shao, you are wronged! You must not think like that! I really want to marry Taotao!"

How could Master Shao think so... but Zhao Shu was taken aback! It's wrong to kill him.

Shao Yunyun didn't believe these words at all, "Really? Have you been to the village in our county? What are you doing there?"

The three masters and servants are stagnant.

Kind of embarrassing...

Zhao Shu looked away with a guilty conscience, and smiled embarrassingly: "That's it, that's it—"

Qiao Xuan said with a warm smile, "Young Master Zhao, get up first, Uncle Qing and Aunt Qing also get up first, sit down and talk slowly! Don't worry about anything, always make it clear."

Zhao Shuchong smiled gratefully at Qiao Xuan, but did not dare to get up immediately, and carefully looked at Shao Yunyun's face.

Seeing that Shao Yunyun's expression was light but did not mean to stop, he stood up carefully. "Thank you Mrs. Shao..."

When Uncle Qing and Aunt Qing saw this, they also got up.

Zhao Shu sat down carefully, and saw Shao Yunyun looking at him with an unkind expression, and his scalp started to explode again. He didn't dare to delay, and quickly explained it from the beginning...

After all, it's all a matter of curiosity.

With the help of Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun to defeat Zhao Mu, Zhao Shu was delighted and admired the two of them. Hearing that they were from Yuzhang, he couldn't help but feel curious.

It just so happened that he had nothing to do. After all, his mother and his grandfather and grandmother had left him a lot of talented stewards and shopkeepers.

So, he wanted to go to Yuzhang for a walk and play.

When I arrived in Yuzhang, I met Le Zhengxiao by chance.

He thinks, someone with an idea like Mrs. Shao might be quite famous in Yuzhang? You must know that Mr. Shao was born in a poor family, but after the couple arrived in the capital, they never worried about money. On the contrary, spending money was quite generous.

Obviously, this is certainly not the wealth that can be accumulated by farming.

Zhao Shu had to ask Le Zhengxiao about it.

After hearing this, both of them laughed!

This is called the end of the world where do not meet! Who would have guessed that Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun had a close relationship with each other!

Chatting, Zhao Shu admires Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun even more!

So, he went to Heshan County from the provincial capital of Yuzhang again, and planned to go to Shaoding Village to visit Shao's family.

Anyway, come here, right?

Since he was a partner, and Mrs. Shao and Mrs. Shao didn't have time to go home, he went to their door to visit their relatives at home, and told him about the situation of the two of them when they were away, which was fine.

This is a smooth human relationship!

Where can Mrs Fang, Tao Tao and others not miss Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan? But they also know that the journey is long, they must have a lot of things to do in the capital, and it is impossible to come back often, especially Shao Yunyun.

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