Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1418: She doesn't know if Zhao Shu can do it or not.

"If she and Zhao Gongzi really love each other, I think it's not bad."

"Besides, you are an official, he is a citizen, and the perfume workshop still has half of my share! If he really dares to do something sorry for Taotao, can we still let him fail?"

"If you're worried about Taotao, there's nothing you can do. Taotao is going to get married. No matter which family you go to, it's not the same worry? But there's no other family with such a simple population."

Shao Yunyun's expression gradually eased, and he was silent.

Qiao Xuan laughed again: "But speaking of it, this young master Zhao is really going too far. It's so quiet, it looks like he's harboring ulterior motives! Let's hang up this matter and wait for us to come back from Qingdi. , I'll go back and ask what's going on."

Shao Yunyun nodded: "I think so too! We'll talk about it when we get back. If Mother agrees, Tao Tao too... Well, that's not impossible."

In the end, it's a bit disappointing, Tao Tao is so well-behaved and wants to get married.

Qiao Xuan smiled, "If Zhao Gongzi is sincere, and Tao Tao is also interested, it's a good thing! Xiang Gong married girls like this, so if you marry a daughter in the future, wouldn't it be even more amazing!"

Realizing that this seems to be wrong, his face heats up.

However, Shao Yunyun hugged her with a smile: "Well, it's really not that easy for any stinky boy to marry my daughter in the future! After all, my wife's daughter and I must be the best and best daughter in the world!"

Qiao Xuan blushed even more, smiled and spat at him, "Stop talking!"

Shao Yunyun whispered in her ear: "If you don't say it, don't say it, what you have to do is for the sake of the girl!"


Shao Yunyun laughed and hugged her back to the room.

Don't talk about troubles!

The next day, Zhao Shu didn't dare to come, but Aunt Qing came again to deliver gifts. The roasted suckling pig cured in the restaurant, and the half sheep that was cut into pieces and neatly tidied up, said it was to add vegetables to Master Shao and Mrs. Shao. .

For both of them, this is not a very precious thing, but it is a piece of heart.

Qiao Xuan accepted it, returned two pieces of venison that Prince Qingdi had sent two days ago, and said to Aunt Qing, "Aunt Qing, don't send it again tomorrow! There are too many things, and my husband and I will meet for a while. You can't finish eating. You may not know what kind of temper my husband is, but according to me, Zhao Gongzi just needs to do his own business, and there is no need to mention it. Let's talk about everything when the husband returns from Qingdi!"

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since Mrs. Shao said that, the old slave will do it. Then the old servant will not come tomorrow. The old servant talks a lot. Can Mrs. Shao... give the old servant a sentence. Say it."

"Mrs. Shao, our son must be sincere to Miss Shao! If you are fortunate enough to marry Miss Shao, he will definitely treat her well in the future!"

Qiao Xuan looked at Aunt Qing and smiled slightly: "Our family loves Taotao very much, and we can't bear to let her suffer grievances. I also know that Mr. Zhao is a very good person. It's just that we are so rich and noble, but we Taotao have climbed high! Xianggong has always been I want to find a man for Taotao who has her in his heart, who will treat her wholeheartedly, and who will never take a concubine into a room under any circumstances."

Aunt Qing was thoughtful, and bowed her knees to Qiao Xuan slightly: "Thank you Mrs. Shao, this old slave will tell our son."

Qiao Xuan nodded.

Aunt Qing actually didn't know if her son could agree to such conditions.

Seeing her reaction like this, Qiao Xuan also sighed inwardly. Whether Zhao Shu can do it, she also doesn't know.

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