Zhao Shu is so angry!

This Shao family's third room, what is the eye-opening? How can such a timid girl in their family be worthy of him?

He is not a person who cares about family status, but he is definitely not something that such a person can think of!

Where can Zhao Shu eat this meal?

He stood up and said with a smile, "I won't eat this meal. I suddenly remembered that Aunt Fang made dumplings filled with shrimp and mushrooms at noon today. I'll go back and eat dumplings!"

This meal is not so delicious, and it is not worth the trouble in case of any trouble.

"Hey!" Uncle Shao hurriedly stopped him and said with a smile: "Hey, I'm here—"

Tong Shun rudely pushed Shao Sanshu's hand away: "If you always talk, talk, don't tug at it, my son doesn't like being pulled by others."

Uncle Shao glared at Tong Shun, who was depressed, thinking that you are so brave as a servant, just wait and see, when your son-in-law becomes my son-in-law, and see how I deal with you...

Uncle Shao had no choice but to withdraw his hand, still looking at Zhao Shu with a flattering smile on his face: "Young Master Zhao is just staying for a meal, I have done all this, killing chickens and grilling fish and everything, Master Zhao, try it!"

"No need!" Zhao Shu smiled and insisted on leaving.

Uncle Shao was anxious, "Hey—"

"By the way," Zhao Shu suddenly stopped and smiled at Uncle Shao: "My uncle in my clan told me about my relationship, I am loyal to my fiancee, I should go back in a few days, by the way, by the way. Say goodbye to Uncle Shao!"

Uncle Shao was taken aback: "What?"


Zhao Shu didn't give him a chance to speak again, smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away.

Uncle Shao wanted to chase, but Tong Shun pulled him and said with a smile, "Ouch, Master Shao, stand up and don't fall!"

After saying that, his hands were released, and he swaggered away.

Shao Xiaozhi was hit hard, covered his face and whimpered and ran back to the room.

"This—" Uncle Shao was dumbfounded and glared at Uncle Shao angrily: "Brother! You don't say a word for us!"

Uncle Shao opened his mouth, sighed and persuaded: "Why don't you forget it, this—"

"What's the matter!"

"Everyone has a fiancée here, this—"

He was also angry. This man surnamed Zhao had a fiancée and told him and Fang Shi that he wanted to marry Tao Tao, and waited for him to ask him to go.

Uncle Shao was upset when he heard it, and pushed Uncle Shao impatiently out the door: "Let's go!"

"Hey!" Uncle Shao looked at the two doors that were closed in front of him without mercy, "Bang!" He sighed, and then went straight home angrily.

He wants to find Zhao Shu that **** to settle accounts!

I don't want to~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As soon as they entered the yard, they saw Zhao Shu and Mrs. Fang sitting under the big osmanthus tree in the yard, and they were very excited and said something, which made Mrs. Fang laugh.

Uncle Shao is even more angry!

"Master Zhao! You—"


"Yo, you still know how to come back!" Fang Shi sneered, stood up and stared at him: "Is Sanfang's meal delicious? You can eat it!"

Uncle Shao was angry and pointed at Zhao Shu: "He—"

"What is he!" Mrs Fang spat in the past: "You don't have a long memory, how often do the three couples lie to you? Do you believe all the nonsense of the couple? Young Master Zhao almost called you into a pit. Dead! Thanks to his cleverness, he ran fast."

Zhao Shu smiled embarrassedly, and humbly handed over to Mrs Fang: "Auntie has won the award, won the award!"

Mr. Fang waved his hand: "No prize, no prize! You are the one who understands!"

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