Tian Shanshan sneered and walked away.

Aunt Si, Bi Yun and the others were trembling with anger. They never expected that the top lady of the Tian family among the noble ladies in the capital would do such a crime and loss of identity.

But they still dare not speak out.

Princess Shuangfu didn't say anything, restraining Aunt Si from saying a word outside.

She deliberately fell so badly, otherwise, how could Tian Shanshan let it go if she didn't let out this breath?

Now, she can even hold her own princess, and she can only bear it. Thinking about it, she should be satisfied, right?

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of departure.

Prince Arno and Qing Di and his party were all delighted. Although the climate of the capital was much better than that of Qing Di, the prosperity of the capital was incomparable to Qing Di. No exception.

The princess and the pro, the ostentation is naturally no trivial matter.

The distance is long, and the natural conditions and climate are worse the further north you go, the guards of honor should not be too complicated. For this reason, when Princess Shuangfu left the palace and the capital, a whole set of cumbersome etiquette came down, and this first day only left. Twenty miles from the capital.

Stationed at the palace twenty miles away, and set off early the next morning.

This place is still very close to the capital. Both Qiao Xuan and Princess Shuangfu know how to keep a low profile. After greeting the princess, Qiao Xuan returned to her and Shao Yunyun's residence without staying any longer.

Princess Shuangfu did not hold back either.

This is a long journey. After leaving the capital, sometimes it is time to meet and get along.

Princess Shuangfu has already made up her mind. When she is farther away from Beijing, she invites Qiao Xuan to come to her chariot, just for company.

Daqin wanted to save face, her carriage was built as spacious as a small movable house, with thick and sturdy materials, the carriage was covered with thick carpets, and she traveled slowly without feeling any bumps.

Shao Yunyun, as a marriage envoy, was very busy on the first day. Qiao Xuan guessed that he would not be back until the evening, so he had to eat dinner first, and ordered Li Xia and Li Qiu to go to the kitchen to get the food.

No, she just had dinner here, but an uninvited guest came——

Looking at Qiao Wei in bright brocade clothes, with delicate and bright hairpins on her hairpin, and a strange maid, Qiao Xuan admitted that she was really shocked!

Then he blurted out something that sounded stupid: "Why are you here!"

Qiao Wei covered her mouth with a giggling smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The delicate body trembled slightly, and the smug and flamboyant temperament between her brows was a little less domineering and more wanton and charming.

"Why is my sister here, I am naturally why!"

Qiao Xuan felt a bad premonition in her heart and raised her eyebrows slightly, "I don't quite understand."

"Are you unwilling to understand, or can't believe it?" Qiao Wei sneered and said proudly: "You accompany the princess to marry, I am the same as you!"

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "This is interesting. I was the princess who personally asked the emperor's permission to accompany the princess. I wonder how you got here?"

Qiao Wei sneered.

"What?" Qiao Xuan said with a smile, "Could it be that you can't speak out on the stage?"

Qiao Wei was furious and her eyebrows stood upright, but she didn't get angry for some reason. Instead, she smiled and said, "Sister's words are ridiculous. I am able to appear here openly, naturally through official channels. I came here to say hello to my sister. After all, there is still a long way to go! Our sisters just get along well!"

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