After marriage, Prince Arnold was very kind to Princess Shuangfu, but it was difficult for a strongman to ask a brave and rough Prince Qingdi to know how to be considerate.

Qiao Xuan smiled at Shao Yunyun and said, "Xiang Gong, why don't you guys go first, I'll accompany the princess slowly, and the two of us are just talking slowly!"

Princess Shuangfu also hurriedly said: "Yes, you go first!"

She is still awkward riding a horse now. After sitting for a long time, her entire back and legs are stiff and uncomfortable. How can she keep up with the speed of Prince Arno and the others? That would be deadly!

No, if you die, you won't be able to catch up!

Moreover, the mission will return in a few days, and she will also be separated from Qiao Xuan. It is rare to have such a chance to meet again.

Prince Arno became impatient for a long time, and when he heard the words, his brows stretched, and he immediately said: "Okay, then you all take your time! Lord Shao, let's go quickly, Xiao Wang will take you to hunt wolves! If you are lucky, maybe you can still Encountered a herd of wild horses!"

Qing Di's group immediately whistled and cheered excitedly, their eyes lit up.

Wild horses are the most mysterious group of animals on the grassland. They are vigilant and vigilant in their whereabouts. They are vigorous and good at running. They really travel thousands of miles a day. .

Because the wild horse is extremely proud and full of spirituality, if it is not willing, it would rather die than surrender.

Some people even besieged and blocked a wild horse, and in the end, the wild horse refused to submit to the Lord and starved to death.

Shao Yun said in his heart, I am not very interested in hunting wolves and wild horses! In fact, he prefers to accompany his wife on horseback and talk, but unfortunately the environment dictates that he cannot do it right now.

Shao Yunyun had to answer politely, looked up at Qiao Xuan and said with a warm smile: "In this case, you accompany the princess slowly, don't worry!"

Qiao Xuan smiled and nodded.

Prince Arno hurried up, hurriedly rode his horse and whipped his whip, and led the crowd away.

Princess Shuangfu looked at the scene where a large group of people whipped their whips away and sighed softly.

Qiao Xuan walked alongside her and whispered, "Prince is a straightforward and straightforward person. What do you say, it will make you worry!"

Princess Shuangfu's eyebrows stretched slightly, and a shallow smile appeared on her pretty face. She nodded lightly, "Yeah", and said with a smile: "You said it too!"

The daughter's family love is beginning to open, and the girl's mind has not been secretly conceived and fantasized about the future husband? Who doesn't expect his husband to be handsome, young, promising, personable, gentle and considerate?

If the reality is far there will always be some disappointment and regret in my heart.

Thinking of Qiao Xuan's words, Princess Shuangfu was relieved a lot.

It doesn't matter if he is not meticulous or considerate, he is also straight-minded, at least there is no need for people to guess the twists and turns in his stomach...

After leaving the main force, the two of them simply let go completely, and walked forward slowly, talking some homely gossip. For parting, the tacit understanding is not mentioned.

Sometimes Qiao Xuan would also express that she was tired and wanted to get off the horse to take a break. Princess Shuangfu couldn't get what she wanted, and she knew that it was Qiao Xuan's kindness. She just stopped to rest and adjust. This horseback riding job was really not done by humans.

She didn't understand at all why the Qingdi people liked to ride horses so much, and they were so proud to say that their children could gallop on horseback at the age of three. What to be so proud of!

(End of this chapter)

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