Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1474: Qiao Wei is injured

Qiao Xuan nodded and glanced at Qiao Wei who was sitting on the ground covering her calf: "What's going on?"

Qiao Wei raised her eyes and glared at her angrily, and said coldly, "Can't you read it yourself? I'm hurt!"

Virtue! Nobody owes you anything!

Qiao Xuan glanced at everyone: "You all step back, see if you can help anywhere else and go help. When you're done, hurry back to rest, and you have to hurry tomorrow morning!"

Everyone didn't like Qiao Wei very much at first, and they all went away when they heard the words, only Qiu He stayed here.

Qiao Wei was furious, staring at Qiao Xuan with even more resentment.

Qiao Xuan sneered: "Why are you staring at me? Go back to your tent when you have time! You are not the only one injured, but you are the only one who shouted! Miss Qiao is afraid that others will not know your good voice, right?"

Qiao Wei's face flushed with anger, and she scolded angrily: "I was bitten by a wolf on my leg, I was bitten by a wolf! See for yourself!"

She was bitten by the beast, which almost scared her to death. Her legs were bleeding. She thought she was going to die or be maimed. Fortunately, the two guards killed the wolf in time.

Forget it, the wound on her leg is not shallow, it hurts terribly, and she is not allowed to cry?

Qiao Xuan was stunned, her eyes followed, and she saw blood seeping from the calf, dyeing the skirt red. It was also unclear at night, otherwise Qiao Xuan would have been able to see it without Qiao Wei saying it.

Qiao Wei cried even more sadly.

Qiao Xuan glanced at Qiu He and said coldly, "Your master is injured, so you are still standing here? You have a big heart! Since you are so careless, you don't have to wait! Go on!"

"Mrs. Shao—"

"What? I can't call you?"

"Qiao Xuan! Don't go too far!" Qiao Wei angrily said, "This is my servant, you can't help yelling!"

"I want to be called? So what?" Qiao Xuan sneered and said to Aye, "Pull her down and teach me a lesson!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Ah Ye always listened to Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun's words, and without hesitation, he reached out and pulled Qiu He away.

"Miss! Miss!"

"Shut up!" Qiao Xuan raised her hand and slapped Qiu He in the face, scolding in a deep voice, "What? I can't use you? You are a slave, who did you learn from, and you don't pay attention to me like this? What qualifications and confidence do you have? Will I tolerate it?"

Qiu He covered her face, the burning pain made her extremely ashamed and resentful, but she lowered her head but didn't dare to make a sound.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, who told her to be Qiao Wei's slave now? If Qiao Xuan wanted to beat her and scold her, she had no right to resist.

Qiao Wei was dumbfounded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ trembling with anger, if it wasn't for the pain in her legs, she would definitely stand up and fight with Qiao Xuan.

Not so bullying!

"You, what do you mean!"

"Let's teach your careless servant a lesson!" Qiao Xuan sneered, "Don't thank me! Aye, take people away!"

"Yes! Let's go!"

This time, Qiu He didn't dare to resist any more, and only looked at Qiao Wei pleadingly.

Because she knew very well that Qiao Xuan would not give her any face at all. Will Qiao Xuan change her mind if she speaks out?

It's just taking the opportunity to ridicule her a few words!

Why should she humiliate herself.

This bitch, that assassination in the daytime, why didn't she kill her? Those people are useless!

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