Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1517: Who knows, it's just doing it yourself

Expanding her abilities, she found that she was sitting in a simple sedan chair at the moment. Two sedan chairmen were carrying the sedan chair in the mountains and forests, and there were four other people who opened the way and broke the back.

She didn't know where these people were taking her, and she couldn't get away for a while.

Her ability to control the grass and trees to attack is right, but there is no way to untie her shackles. And at this moment, they are walking in the middle of the mountain. If they are all tripped by their abilities, they will have to fall...

Qiao Xuan calmed down and saw where they would take her.

The only thing she worries about now is Shao Yunyun.

When she found out that she was missing, her family minister would be anxious, I hope he can calm down soon...

I was also careless. I was vigilant on the way, and when I arrived at the station, I subconsciously relaxed, subconsciously thinking that it was safe.

And there have been no accidents in the past ten days. Even people who are vigilant will become a little slack.

Besides, both she and Sun Bai and others thought that the other party would focus on Shao Yunyun, and it would be Shao Yunyun who would be staring closely. To solve the problem, of course, solve it from the source.

Who would have thought that he would do it to himself...

She couldn't help but wondered secretly, what was the purpose of these people grabbing themselves? Use yourself to force Shao Yunyun into submission?

They are just a woman, do they think that a promising man will give in for a mere woman?

Can they do it themselves? If they can't do it, why do they think Shao Yunyun can do it?

"It's here, that's it."

Hearing someone speak, the sedan chair was rudely put down on the ground, Qiao Xuan immediately closed her eyes, relaxed her body, and pretended to be unconscious.

Even through the closed eyelids, the light suddenly brightened, and someone reached out and tried to pull her out.

Qiao Xuan's eyelids moved slightly, opened her eyes, and stared at the man.

The man was startled, and the outstretched hand stopped, hehe sneered: "Mrs. Shao is awake!"

Qiao Xuan glared at him.

The man sneered, "Come out!"

He grabbed his arm, Qiao Xuan got up and staggered out.

His hands were tied behind his back, and his feet were still free.

This is an undisclosed wilderness, and Qiao Xuan released her supernatural ability to test it. It was all forest, which showed that it was far away from Yanzhou City.

At this moment, they were on a hidden mountainside, and behind UU reading www.uukanshu.com was a wide cave more than ten meters away.

Looking at this, they are going to put her under house arrest in this cave?

When her thoughts were turning, one person had already pushed her to the direction of the cave: "Go!"

Qiao Xuan lowered her eyes and walked in obediently.

The six men in Tsing Yi who guarded her were talking and laughing, and their posture was relaxed and relaxed. In this deep mountain and old forest, she would never dare to run around.

The job of guarding her was nothing at all.

It's a pity that it is useless to have a lot of time and energy in this broken place, and it is destined to suffocate.

After entering the cave, Qiao Xuan took the initiative to find a not-so-good place to sit against the cave wall, bow her head, and be quiet.

One person glanced at her and sneered: "You are so good!"

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