"I want to ask you a few words. If you tell the truth, I will let you live. If you refuse, then forget it. I will ask someone else. I want to see how long you can last here. Or, are you sure you can break free yourself?"

The man's cheek muscles twitched and he continued to stare at Qiao Xuan, as if he wanted to make a mocking expression at her.

Qiao Xuan took it easy: "I advise you to think clearly, there is only one chance, if you miss it, you will have no chance to regret it! Anyway, there are six of you, so I don't have to look for you. I am a good eye. The little girl annoys me, I won't let you go so easily. You say, if I make some wounds on your face and hands, will it attract a lot of bugs? Hee laugh!"

The anger in the man's eyes immediately turned to panic, staring at Qiao Xuan, his whole body shivering.

This, this Mrs. Shao, is it vicious!

Qiao Xuan smiled slightly: "If you think about it clearly, just blink your eyes. Don't try to lie to me, unless you think you are smarter than Mrs. Zhuang Yuan!"

The man choked fiercely, and his original intention to deceive Qiao Xuan was actually frightened back.

That's right... This is Mrs. Zhuang Yuan! Since Master Shao has followed the Prince, how much has His Highness suffered? And such a powerful Master Shao would rather not have the eldest lady from the Tian family or the Qiao family, she must have something special!

She is someone who dares to show the face of the fourth prince and concubine in public!

She found out that she had fallen into the hands of herself and others yesterday, but she didn't panic and cry at all, which shows that her courage and courage are also very comparable.

Now, now, I said such harsh words to myself again.

Such, such a person, can he deceive her...

He doesn't think so!

The rattan was tightly tied, and it felt like a nightmare to stay up all night in this mess of grass, and he absolutely did not want to come again for another night.

Mrs. Shao also said that she would make a few wounds on his face and hands, and he would bleed. He didn't know how many insects and ants he would provoke. The taste... He couldn't help shivering just thinking about it.


This woman is so scary...

His psychological defense line almost collapsed, but for fear that Qiao Xuan would regret it, he hurriedly blinked.

Qiao Xuan chuckled, and disgustedly pulled the weeds out of his mouth. The man repeatedly spit out the grass and debris in his mouth, shook his head, and the whole person felt relaxed. half.

He didn't dare to expect Qiao Xuan to release him now, and looked at Qiao Xuan eagerly, motioning her to ask.

Now, he just wants her to ask her quickly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hurry up and ask, if satisfied, let him go quickly...

Qiao Xuan was contemptuous and stared at him, "Is your master the fourth prince?"

The man guiltily avoided Qiao Xuan's line of sight, and nodded stiffly, "um".

Qiao Xuan said coldly again, "Who is yours in the Yanzhou Mansion?"

"Yes, yes... Fucheng."

"You got me to such a place, what are you going to do?"

"No, I don't know! His Highness only ordered a few of us to put you under house arrest here, and nothing else was said... It's true, the villain dare not lie!"

Qiao Xuan hummed softly, but did not doubt this.

Those who can be dispatched to do this kind of rough work are not expected to be middle-level and upper-level people. They only know how to do things according to instructions, and they really don't know much.

"At Yanzhou Mansion, what arrangements did the fourth prince make?"

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