Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1528: problem occurs

Xie Dong and Xie Xi ran to find Xie Miao, and the five left together.

Along the road when Xie Jingrong and his party came.

Xie Jingrong was a little nervous along the way. From time to time, she couldn't help but glance at Qiao Xuan and asked her if she wanted to rest. Are you not uncomfortable? Don't be brave...

Qiao Xuan did feel a little tired and weak, but fortunately, her ability did not weaken further, which made her feel a little more at ease and supported her to move on.

After resting three times in the middle, I finally walked out of the forest when the golden sunset was shining after the sun sank into the western peaks.

Less than five miles outside the forest is a village with hundreds of families. Xie Dong approached the family and said yes, and the group settled here.

It was more than 30 miles away from Yanzhou City, and it was too late to enter the city at this time, so Xie Jingrong ordered Xie Miao to enter the city in the bright morning, inquire about the news, and hire a better carriage by the way.

Xie Miao agreed.

Xie Jingrong, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun knew each other from the beginning. He was so concerned about Qiao Xuan's affairs that Xie Dong and Xie Xi didn't think it was strange at all, but thought it was normal.

Xie Miao didn't know Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun. He only knew that his son-in-law did have such two friends, but when he saw that his son-in-law was so attentive to Mrs. Shao, he always felt a little strange...

With the help of the farmhouse, although the conditions are simple, at least I can eat a hot meal and have a place to sleep peacefully.

A night without words.

The next day before dawn, Xie Miao was sent by his son Xie Dong to urge him to get up and go to the city.

Xie Miao: "..."

Xie Miao didn't say a word, and honestly went to accept her fate.

In the city, everything is business as usual...

Li Xia and Li Qiu, who had already gone to rest, didn't notice about Qiao Xuan's disappearance until they were woken up by Shao Yunyun who came back from the banquet.

Hearing this, both of them were so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale, and almost cried out in no hurry.

Shao Yunyun was anxious and annoyed in her heart, and she couldn't ask anything from the two of her, so she asked them to guard the house and not allow anyone to enter, and went straight to Qiao Wei's residence with a cold face.

At this time, Mianmian had already slept, she and Qiao Wei were in the same room, Qiao Wei was sleeping on the bed, and she was really inseparable.

A is also in the outer room of the bedroom.

Although Qiao Wei was not satisfied, nothing was more important than her life, so she didn't say anything.

When Shao Yunyun arrived, Ah Ye woke up first, "Sir."

"Call Qiao Wei up."

Shao Yunyun's face was ashen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Ah Ye didn't know what happened, it was definitely not an ordinary thing to make people popular like this.

He couldn't help but feel annoyed. Could this Qiao Wei be transformed from a monster? He and Mianmian are inseparable, can she also find a chance to be a demon?

Ah also agreed and slammed on the door to call Mian Mian.

Mianmian rubbed her eyes and sat up, responded, quickly put on her clothes, and went to shoot Qiao Wei. Qiao Wei couldn't even pretend that she didn't hear it.

As soon as she came out of the bedroom, Shao Yunyun kicked Qiao Wei and fell to the ground with a scream of pain. She raised her head in shock and anger while clutching her aching chest: "You!"

There was no expression on Shao Yunyun's stern face, and he said coldly, "What did you do?"

Qiao Wei was stunned for a moment, and a thought came to her mind: Something happened to Qiao Xuan!

Shao Yunyun would only do this if something happened to Qiao Xuan.

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