The servant girl said with concern: "Well, Mrs. Shao, who is so good, suddenly fell ill, but she really suffered. Our wife specially instructed to ask Mrs. Shao to make a kowtow, and see how Mrs. Shao looked. Go back and tell me. What about her! Why don't you let us go in and make a kowtow, we promise to stand far away and never dare to disturb Mrs. Shao."

Another servant girl also smiled and said, "That's not it, our wife also ordered the same way, the girl will be accommodating, just the two of us will go in. I kowtow and take a look, either to communicate with my wife, or to call my wife. rest assured!"

"Yes yes yes!"

Li Xia and Li Qiu were secretly annoyed, and they thought that no wonder the master said that someone might come to find trouble. Originally, they didn't quite believe it. They thought that no one would have such courage.

It’s enough to visit the patient when you’re in the mood. How can you be so entangled in seeing the patient in person?

"Let's go back first, our wife is inconvenient to see guests now. When you get better, you will naturally meet you!"

Knowing that they were not good people, Li Xia and Li Qiu didn't have much good looks on their faces, and their expressions were slightly unpleasant when they spoke.

In fact, the servants and maids sent by Mrs. Shao were also at a loss. I don’t know why Mrs. ordered to see Mrs. Shao kowtow. , I think the truth comes from Mrs.

As for the people sent by the prefect's wife, they completely agreed with the people from the prefect's side who said so.

After all, the servant **** the other side of Mrs. Shao was so concerned about Mrs. Shao. If she didn't express it together, wouldn't it mean that her wife was not caring enough?

This can't be done!

Li Xia and Li Qiu didn't look very good, and their tone was a little cold. The servants on the prefect's side hesitated and retreated, while on the manor's wife's side, they were still entangled.

That posture was so enthusiastic that it was overwhelming, and it seemed that he felt uncomfortable without seeing Mrs. Shao.

Li Xia and Li Qiu were both annoyed and annoyed, but they looked at people's faces as if they didn't understand.

Unexpectedly, the two maids who were carrying the food boxes were about to bypass them and enter the house. Li Qiu was startled: "Stop, what are you doing!"

A maid pulled her with a smile, but she was very strong: "Miss Liqiu, Miss Lixia, our wife is really kind! Madam is worried about Mrs. Shao, not at ease..."

When she blocked, a maid hurriedly smiled at the other: "Let's go in and ask Mrs. Shao to be safe, or go back and explain it to Mrs."

The other maid was still a little ignorant and couldn't figure out what was going on. "Ah?" She subconsciously pulled her away.

"You! Stop!"

Li Xia and Li Qiu were blocked and pulled by others, and those people were still arguing and entangled in their mouths. It was hard to say whether their words could be heard by the two maids who walked in.

Mian Mian was originally staying in the house with Qiao Wei, they couldn't let Qiao Wei stay in the house alone, this person has never been honest.

But at this time, Mianmian was also startled, and ignoring Qiao Wei, she hurried out to stop the two maids.

He added, "What are you making a fuss about here? Madam!"

Who would have thought that a servant girl had so much strength to push Li Xia away and rushed in: "Since Mrs. Shao is awake, it's time for the servants to kowtow!"

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