Everyone's eyes are a little wrong.

Couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that Mrs. Shao really disappeared? Otherwise, Mrs. Fu Cheng would not dare to say that? After all, if this kind of remark is a rumor, there is no way to scrutinize it, just let Mrs. Shao show her face.

Mrs. Shao is missing... Mrs. Shao kept hiding it, but Mrs. Fu Cheng stood up angrily and forced Mrs. Shao to give an answer. Why is this, why is this so strange?

However, everyone's brain supplements are taken for granted.

Master Shao concealed it, it was necessary! Mrs. Shao was kidnapped, wouldn't her reputation be completely ruined? Maybe it's not just the reputation that is ruined! Then, as a husband, what kind of face can Master Shao have?

He will definitely lose face, he will definitely be laughed at, laughing at his green head, laughing at how he can't even protect his wife.

His reputation is damaged and his image is greatly reduced, can his future still be bright?

Therefore, he must try his best to hide it. Maybe in a few days, there will be news that Mrs. Shao is seriously ill and recuperating. After a while, she should die without treatment.

Then, why did Mrs. Fu Cheng force him to admit it? Mrs. Fu Cheng is kind-hearted, and she thinks that she and Mrs. Shao became good sisters at first sight. This is to fight against good sisters...

Most people think so in their hearts, and a few people are still a little confused and don't know what's wrong.

However, all kinds of whispers and suspicions surged like a tide, and one after another, suspicious and suspicious eyes were either blatantly or secretly looking at Shao Yunyun.

Mrs. Fu Cheng glanced at Shao Yun's expressionless face, and was secretly proud of her heart. She didn't believe it. At this point, can Master Shao still hide it? Can you still hide?

If he doesn't allow himself to see Mrs. Shao again, he will be guilty of a guilty conscience, and no one will believe his denial!

"Master Shao, do you dare?" Mrs. Fu Cheng sneered: "Do you dare to let us go in and see if Mrs. Shao is in the room at the moment? I dare to say that she must not be there, otherwise, I will kneel down and kowtow to you to apologize! Shao! Do you dare to respond!"

There was a sound of gasping around, and everyone was stunned.

Mrs. Fu Cheng is really kind to Mrs. Shao, to be able to do this.

She was so sure, I'm afraid, I'm afraid Mrs. Shao is really gone.

I really did not expect that Master Shao is such a person! For his own selfish desires, for his own reputation and dignity, he completely disregarded his wife's life and death.

If he doesn't say it, how can you help him find it? He was not in a hurry at all, showing how cold and selfish he was in his heart.

It turns out that all the previous affection was pretended!

Also, if he didn't pretend to be so good, how could he have achieved such a reputation and attracted everyone's attention in such a short period of time?

This man has a really deep heart...

The palace chief couldn't sit still, he hesitated: "Master Shao, if Mrs. Shao is really missing, please make it clear that Mrs. Shao can also help us. Otherwise, if there is any delay, Mrs. Shao encounters an accident, This - we can't afford it either!"

"You don't need to be responsible for anything," Shao Yun said coldly: "Also, this officer doesn't like being persecuted, and I won't let anyone in to disturb my wife. She was frightened tonight and finally fell asleep. Now, what is Madam Qin's intention?"

Mrs. Fu Cheng sneered: "I don't think Lord Shao dares!"

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