Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1544: do you have a choice

Qiao Xuan's eyes wandered, and she smiled at him like a silk, and giggled, "Of course, let Qiao Wei call!"

Taking advantage of Qiao Wei, Qiao Xuan will not feel any guilt.

Shao Yunyun smiled and said yes, he naturally wouldn't care about Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei was still frightened when she was called in. She was afraid, afraid that Shao Yunyun would interrogate her again. Heaven and earth conscience, she really doesn't know anything.

But I didn't want to, when I came in, what I saw was not Shao Yunyun, but Qiao Xuan.

Qiao Wei was stunned, her expression changed, and she exclaimed, "Why are you!"

Qiao Xuan "Puchi!" She smiled and blinked: "Of course it's me, I've been recovering from my illness, isn't it, I'm cured!"

Qiao Wei: "..."

Do you want to face!

Do you not know if you have been kidnapped these two days?

But she didn't dare to say this at all, and she knew better that it was useless to say it herself.

Might have to change the scolding.

"What did you call me for?"

Seeing that Qiao Xuan was in good health, her complexion was good, her spirit was good, and her clothes were bright, it was obvious that she was not rejected or complained by Shao Yunyun when she came back, otherwise she would never have such a mental outlook.

This made Qiao Wei extremely disappointed.

She can't do anything else, is it alright to ask for an invisible one?

Qiao Xuan smiled: "I have a small favor for you here..."

After listening to Qiao Xuan, Qiao Wei laughed angrily, "You asked me to do such a thing? You are taking advantage of me!"

Qiao Xuan glanced at her and said unhurriedly, "I still have value here, you should feel lucky. Without me, you would be dead now!"

"I-I don't do it!"

"Do you have a choice? Qiao Wei, do you think you are qualified to reject me? You said, if you are bedridden, so you have to stay here to recuperate, and we will go back to Beijing first, what will happen?"

Qiao Wei's face turned pale, her eyes showing fear: "You—"

"I can do it."

Qiao Xuan leaned forward slightly, stared at her with a burning gaze, and sneered: "Just based on what your mother and daughter did to me in the past, no matter how much you tortured and tossed you, I will not feel any guilt. Don't blame me, what do you think?"

Qiao Wei breathed heavily and trembled slightly.

But he looked away in panic and guilty, his heart was full of anger, but he didn't dare to refute Qiao Xuan at all.

I have neither the ability nor the confidence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is only sadness in my heart.

"Okay, I'll do it!"

Mrs. Fu Cheng was so angry that she didn't sleep well all night, and she was out of energy for a long time today.

She didn't want to, but Qiao Wei secretly sent someone to give her a message, saying that Qiao Xuan was indeed not there, and asked her to go there around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when Shao Yunyun was not around, she would try to support Li Xia, Li Qiu Aye, etc. Give her a chance to break into the room...

Mrs. Fu Cheng could not help but be overjoyed.

She didn't doubt Qiao Wei at all.

She also knew about the relationship and grievance between Qiao Wei and Qiao Xuan. Qiao Wei also lived in the inn, how could she not know whether Qiao Xuan was there? Since she sent someone to inform herself secretly, she would never miss such a good opportunity!

If Mrs. Fu Cheng just wanted to complete the task given by the Fourth Prince and exchange a praise from the Fourth Prince for her husband, now, she wants to slap Shao Yunyun in the face and make him lose face.

This time, with Qiao Wei as her inner responder, Mrs. Fu Cheng broke into Qiao Xuan's bedroom unimpeded. Li Xia and Li Qiu saw their faces change greatly from a distance, and they hurriedly screamed and stopped where there was still time!

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