Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1547: is really there

"What am I?" Qiao Xuan didn't intend to show any affection towards this person, she said with a half-smiling smile, "Mrs. Qin doesn't know me? Then why don't you get closer and have a better look!"

Mrs. Fu Cheng shook her body and moved her lips, but she couldn't say a word.

Qiao Xuan stepped forward and pressed her step by step: "Before, Mrs. Qin had been making a fuss and insisted that I was missing. At that time, I was really uncomfortable, so I just laughed and gave up. Who would have thought that Mrs. Qin was going too far and went too far. Come on! Mrs. Qin, can I have a grudge against you? Or did our husband and wife offend you? That Mrs. Qin is so determined to spread rumors and throw dirty water on me?"


Mrs. Fu Cheng was furious: "Yes, it's Miss Qiao! She told me you were missing! Yes, it's her!"

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "This is really ridiculous, not to mention whether there is such a thing or not, is Mrs. Qin clueless? Can't she think? What other people say is what? If there is no such thing, why doesn't Mrs. Qin listen? Dare to feel that Mrs. Qin only believes those words that are unfavorable to our husband and wife, and there is no reason to make trouble, right? Mrs. Qin, where did our husband and wife offend? You, or if you have offended Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin might as well speak plainly!"

"Mrs. Qin can even do things like this out of nothing and throwing dirty water again and again. She shouldn't be embarrassed to say something plain, right?"

"Mrs. Qin doesn't tell me, then let my husband go and ask Mr. Qin!"

"I, I—" Mrs. Fu Cheng stared, trembling all over, but she couldn't utter a word while clenching her teeth.

What can she say? She couldn't say a word of Qiao Xuan's words.

Qiao Xuan ignored her and instructed Mianmian, "Go and tell Aye to invite our master, Lord Qin, and the prefect!"

Mrs. Fu Cheng's eyes turned dark, and she panicked and subconsciously went to see Mrs. Prefect. The lady of the prefectural government had already lowered her eyes and looked like she was wandering. She would not interfere, absolutely not.

She didn't see or hear anything.

"And that Miss Qiao," Mrs. Fu Cheng gritted her teeth, "invite that Miss Qiao too!"

Qiao Xuan sneered: "Go ask, Mrs. Qin won't give up until she gives an explanation, just make it clear!"

Shao Yunyun, Fu Cheng, and the prefect soon came, and they all came, and Qiao Wei was also slow and late. The news that Qiao Xuan's "sickness" had improved also spread, and Sun Bai and the others were all secretly relieved.

When Mrs. Fu Cheng saw Qiao Wei, she could not wait to tear her apart. Qiao Wei was a little guilty at first, but she was annoyed when she saw this, but she held her chest out and was not afraid.

She looked back at Madam Fu Cheng provocatively, what was she afraid of? Mrs. Fu Cheng has no evidence at all! As long as she insisted that she didn't, what could Mrs. Fucheng do?

You can't blame others for being stupid and cheating yourself, can you?

"Miss Qiao, why did you lie to me? What is your intention! Well, Miss Qiao is using me as a **** to coax me!"

Mrs. Fu Cheng was furious, and immediately asked sharply.

Qiao Wei's face was pale, and she bit her lip in denial: "I don't know what Mrs. Qin is talking about! I have no friendship with Mrs. Qin. What did I lie to Mrs. Qin for?"

It was impossible for Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun to allow Qiao Wei to move freely, which was equivalent to house arrest. She did not meet Mrs. Fu Cheng alone.

With that being said, there is absolutely no doubt about it.

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