Qiao Xuan accompanied Shao Yunyun, waiting to return to Beijing in a few days.

The prefect's wife deeply resented the arrogance and arrogance of the prefect's arrogance and always deliberately embarrassed people, but she naturally refused to let go of the opportunity to be ridiculed in person, so she made some arrangements, took her maid into the prison, and deliberately dressed up to meet the prefect's wife. .

When Mrs. Fu Cheng saw her, where was the arrogance of the past? He couldn't even think about what Madam Prefect was thinking when he stood in front of him at the moment.

She rushed over crying, threw herself on the iron fence, tears poured down like rain, and begged bitterly.

"Our master has been wronged, he must have been wronged...Sister, please tell your lord, please let me know and save our lord..."

The prefect's lips curled into a smile, and she stood there quietly, fully admiring the embarrassment and tears of the prefect's pleading. In addition to being happy, she felt a little pity in her heart.

But soon, thinking of the past, this little compassion has turned into a secret path that deserves it!

Such a person deserves no sympathy at all.

Not even worth a hand.

Moreover, at this point, no one can take the lead.

"You'd better save your energy," the prefect's wife said leisurely: "Don't you know what your husband and wife did in the past? Even if you didn't assassinate Lord Shao, you would still escape based on what you did in the past. Don't fall off!"

Mrs. Fu Cheng froze, unable to cry.

Of course she knew what she had done, what her husband had done, and what the bullying relatives had done.

If those things are exposed one by one, it is true that the couple will never turn over again.

So, what did she ask the woman in front of her to do?

Oh yes, why didn't she think of it? Did this **** come to see her jokes on purpose?

"Are you satisfied?" Madam Fu Cheng glared at Madam Prefect with her red and swollen eyes, gritted her teeth grimacingly: "You must be very happy to see me at this point today! I knew, where would you be? So kind to see me? Ha, you're here to gloat and watch jokes!"

"Bitch! Bitch! What are you proud of? Just wait, how can you walk by the river without wet shoes, and the prefect will be innocent and have a clean sleeve? One day, he will end up like this, you Same with me! You wait, wait!"

"Shut up!" The prefect's wife was a little scared when she heard it, but as an official, no one is not afraid of such unlucky words, and it is not too vicious to say a word of viciousness.

"I think you are really unrepentant! As the saying goes, a good wife and a husband are less likely to suffer. Oh, it's no wonder that your master has ended up like this. Our master was born in the two ranks, with good character and clear Innocent, he definitely won't do those dirty things!"

"You reminded me. In the future, I will remind our master well, our master will be fine! It's a pity that you can't see it anymore!"

"Don't you know how much you weigh? Master Shao, do you dare to mess with it? You really deserve to end up here! Speaking of which, Master Shao and Madam Shao are really our lucky stars. When they come, I don't feel bad in my heart. It's all clear and transparent? Oh, you can continue to stay, if you want to scold, just scold, you only have so much ability left!"

The prefect's wife sneered and waited for the maid to turn and leave.

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