"You, you!" The arrogant young man was even more angry, his eyes were sinister, and he glared at Qiao Xuan viciously.

If it wasn't for the fear of Ah Ye, he would have ordered the three remaining doglegs to rush up.

He had some discernment, and knew that even if he was three-on-one, he would not be Aya's opponent.

"I will kill you today! You wait for me!"

Qiao Xuan sneered: "Okay, then I'll wait!"

While talking, the arrogant young man sent back to drive the carriage again to pick up his servants and came back with the new carriage.

The arrogant young man immediately became arrogant, glared at Qiao Xuan and said viciously, "I don't want to talk to you, this bitch, you dare to beat me, obediently tell me to go to the Shuntian government yamen! If you don't go, hehe , don't think about being kind and leave today!"

"I don't believe it, you can get rid of your grandfather!"

Qiao Xuan's eyes flashed, but she couldn't understand this person. If he was a real slut, he would have already claimed that his family was blowing up, but he didn't. However, this madness was not a little bit, just like the Shuntian Palace Yamen was opened by his family.

She secretly guessed in her heart, this is probably a big **** in a powerful family who can't clearly show her identity in front of everyone's eyes?

Then the background must be not small, otherwise, there is no need to worry at all...

Shangshun Tianfu Yamen? How dare you!

The female relatives next to her would definitely avoid it when they encounter such a thing, for fear that it would damage her reputation a little bit, but Qiao Xuan didn't care.

She knew even more that her husband would not blame her.

"Okay, then go to the Shuntian Palace Yamen! I'd like to see how Lord Fu Yin decides!"

The arrogant young man grinned viciously: "You will know!"

He swore that no matter which family it belonged to, if he dared to get along with him, he would kill her.

A young woman, dressed simply, showing her face at every turn, has no demeanor at all, and her accent is not from the capital. She is surrounded by a few crooked servants. What kind of big family can she come from?

It must be some kind of relative who came from out of town to fight the autumn wind, right?

He will teach her to be a man! Let her kneel at her feet and cry bitterly, kowtow and repent!

He pointed at the children and instructed his sons and daughters, "Take them with you, and none of them are allowed to leave!"

Several half-old children who had just been comforted couldn't help but show fear again.

Li Xia gently caressed the top of a little girl's head and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, just go when you go, our lady will definitely protect you."

Several children were still terrified, and subconsciously looked at the oldest one.

The eldest half of the young man nodded stiffly and said in a low voice, "We, accompany this lady..."

This lady came out to help them, and they couldn't be so disloyal.

Although this half-year-old boy is also afraid, he is not so afraid. He doesn't know a lot of things, but he does know...

The group went back to the city without hesitation. The arrogant young man was afraid that Qiao Xuan and the others would run away. He ordered his dog-legs to quickly enter the city on horseback, and went to the Tianfu Yamen to report the crime. Xuan's carriage, to prevent her from escaping.

Qiao Xuan called all the children into the carriage and brought them fresh fruit to eat.

Seeing that their eyes and faces were clearly full of longing, but their expressions were timid and did not dare to ask for it, they couldn't help but soften their hearts and smiled softly: "Don't be afraid, trust me, we will all be fine, come and eat!"

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