Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1567: He's about to explode

Wen Gongzi made a rough voice.

Qiao Xuan patted her chest lightly, and subconsciously took two steps back, as if she was taken aback by him, "Young Master Wen is so ferocious, it's really shocking!"

"Ms. Qiao's wife, Mrs. Qin, sees you, Lord Qin," Qiao Xuan said aloud, "Above the court, is the defendant not allowed to speak? Is everything based on what the plaintiff says? This is what Daqin's law stipulates. ?"


Wen Gongzi's eyes became more and more bitter, and his breathing became a little heavier.

He's about to explode!

And some regrets.

If he had known that this **** was so daring and daring, he would not have been in a hurry to try the case. He should have let Lord Qin put her in jail first, and taught her a hard lesson before going to court. Let's see if she dares to speak up!

Originally, I thought that the evil spirit in my heart would come out in a rush, but I didn't expect it to be a wrong move.

Lord Qin didn't expect Qiao Xuan to be so difficult to deal with. She asked such a tricky question. So many people were watching from outside the court. How could he dare to talk nonsense?

Otherwise, a memorial to impeach him will be handed to the imperial front tomorrow.

But Master Qin obviously won't give Qiao Xuan any good looks, her already serious and dignified face is even more tense, her eyes are shining with coldness, she stares at Qiao Xuan without anger and self-righteousness: "Nonsense! If you understand it, don't open your mouth and disturb the audio-visual! The laws of Daqin are equal to all the people of Daqin, if you have any excuse, it's right."

"Thank you lord for clarifying your doubts! Then, when lord, the woman, etc. speak, can the plaintiff keep quiet and not interrupt us? Otherwise, will it also disturb the court?"

Young Master Wen almost fell back with anger, and said with a sneer, "You have a good idea! You can't make a false accusation!"

"The clearer is clear, and you can justify after we finish talking about your dissatisfaction. We didn't bother you when you were talking before, why? Could it be that Young Master Wen is afraid that we will tell the truth?"

"Shut up!" Wen Gongzi scolded: "There's no reason for this, you—"

"Cough," Master Qin interrupted him in time, "Mr. Qiao, you can say anything. Don't blame this officer for not reminding you in advance. There are things you can say, and there are things you can't say. You have to think before you speak. It's clear! If this officer is finally called to find out that you lied, you will be imprisoned and punished!"

"Yes, my lord, even if the women have the guts, they don't dare to lie, so naturally they tell the truth." Qiao Xuan responded without being arrogant, and continued to mention the previous words: "Sir, please grant your permission. When the women are waiting to speak, the plaintiff will Do not interrupt or obstruct!"

Young Master Wen: "..."

Mad! It's so irritating!

Master Qin was also depressed and couldn't do what he deserved.

Qiao Xuan immediately hit the snake with a stick: "Thank you sir!"

He said to Young Master Wen, "Young Master Wen heard that too? I think, Young Master Wen shouldn't take the words of the adults seriously, right?"

Wen Gongzi's eyes were fierce, and his expression was like a snake.

Qiao Xuan said softly to Liu Fu: "Xiao Fu, you are the parties involved, you should speak up as soon as possible, tell the truth, don't hide it, and don't add or subtract, just tell the truth. Don't worry, in court, the adults will help you. You are in charge."

Looking into Qiao Xuan's eyes, Liu Fu's heart that was full of anger and panic slowly calmed down. He nodded lightly, "Yeah", took a deep breath, and rushed forward to kowtow. He said things out loud.

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