Chapter 1568 Subtle Transformation

"You, you!" Liu Fu's heart was full of grief, anger and despair. These words were obviously so absurd, so ridiculous, and they were obviously slander and framed, but the irony was that he couldn't find anything to refute.

Moreover, he believed that under the "wise" interrogation of Lord Qin, what the surnamed Wen said would become the truth, and they were completely powerless to resist.

Tears welled up in his eyes: "You officials—"

"Xiao Fu!" Qiao Xuan interrupted him before he said the word "official protection" and said softly, "Don't worry, Lord Qin is naturally a good official, he will definitely interrogate him well, right, Lord Qin ?"

Wen Gongzi sneered, his laughter was sharp and mocking, and he wanted to tear Qiao Xuan's Yun Danfeng apart.

This **** is so calm! At this time, it's still so bland, he wants to see, when the verdict is down, how much of her face can she keep?

At that time, he will definitely teach her a lesson! To ask her to kneel down and kowtow in fear and beg for mercy...

Master Qin was also very surprised, and even felt a little uneasy about drumming...

Qiao Xuan is too calm and calm, and if she doesn't have the confidence to rely on her, anyone who enters the yamen, let alone a woman, is a man, and it is absolutely impossible to do like her.

But what does she rely on? Why don't you say it again? Even if you don't say it, it's okay to suggest it.

Lord Qin, who was able to stay in the capital where the powerful and the gangsters are everywhere, and who has been the governor of Shuntian for five years without being ginseng, naturally has his own set of survival rules.

At this point, after weighing it in his heart, he has made up his mind to be a little more polite to Qiao Xuan before he finds out the details of Qiao Xuan's origin.

Yes, didn't she tell the maid to invite her husband before? As long as her husband came, I would know where she came from...

Giving yourself more room to turn around is undoubtedly a very important rule of survival in his career.

When Master Qin made up his mind, his expression seemed to be a little more gentle, and when he spoke again, his tone was also gentler.

"This officer will naturally interrogate me well, and I won't let go of any clues or a bad person. Bring the witnesses up!"

"Ms. Qiao, if you have witnesses, you can bring them here as well, and this official will treat them equally!"

Wen Gongzi sneered, and smiled proudly at Qiao Xuan.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with what Mr. Qin said. He felt that Mr. Qin must be sure that Qiao Xuan had no witnesses, so he deliberately said this to show justice.

When Qiao Xuan and the others left, they just left. He was the only one who paid more attention and instructed the servant to bring a few people with him.

Of course, these witnesses have already been threatened and bought by him along the way, and he has no fear at all.

There are not many people as smart as him in the world!

Qiao Xuan keenly sensed a change in Lord Qin's tone, and raised her eyes slightly in surprise to look at him.

The eyes meet and go wrong. Master Qin's eyes are gentle, different from the cold and severe he pretended to be before.

Qiao Xuan had a general idea in her heart, and she also realized that she was not a simple person to be the governor of Shuntian in such a complex place like the capital.

Although I don't know why he suddenly changed his attitude, but this is the best way, she can relax a little!

(End of this chapter)

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