Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1571: Shao Yunyun arrives

Chapter 1570 Shao Yunyun arrives

Shao Yunyun went to the hall calmly, dressed in a green robe and a soft robe, which was well-cut, making him more like a bamboo, with shrunk shoulders and narrow waist, and his elegant and refined temperament was hard to ignore.

Li Xia followed behind him.

"Xiang Gong!" Qiao Xuan's eyes lit up, the corners of her lips smirked, and she stepped forward.

Shao Yunyun responded, shook her hand lightly, and asked for concerns.

Qiao Xuan smiled at him and shook her head slightly: She's fine.

Sir Qin was so shocked that his eyes widened and he almost stood up subconsciously, "This—"

Master Shao!

How could it be Master Shao!

Yes, Qiao Shi... Master Shao's original wife, isn't that Qiao Shi?

The deeds of this Lord's son, no one knows about the nobles, officials and eunuchs in the capital, and who does not know?

She rescued the dying peony flowers left by the empress dowager to the emperor. Strawberries and potatoes were found to be related to her. The eldest lady of the Tian family lost her fight for her husband and son-in-law. go back...

No wonder!

How could such a master appear timid and frightened when he arrived in the lobby of the Shuntian Palace Yamen?

He should have thought...

After all, how many courageous women can there be? ?

Master Qin's head was turbulent, and he glanced at Young Master Wen with some pity, this unfortunate child! I'm quite proud to laugh at the moment, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to cry later, right?

After all, these two are not even afraid of your master...

When Young Master Wen saw Shao Yunyun, his eyes lit up, and then he subconsciously felt a little ashamed.

This made him jealous and hatred, and his anger was even more raging.

How could this little **** marry such an outstanding husband!

But what if it was great? Soon, he will become the mud under his feet, allowing himself to trample on it!

Wen Gongzi sneered maliciously, and was about to speak—

Shao Yunyun bowed his hands to Lord Qin and nodded slightly: "Lord Qin, long time no see!"

"Uh, long time, long time no see, long time no see! Master Shao..."

Master Qin was a little bit in a hurry.

He glanced at Young Master Wen, smiled lightly, and introduced himself in a leisurely manner: "This Young Master Wen doesn't know me if he wants to come here, right? It's okay, I'll tell you, and you'll know. In Xia Shao Yunyun, the champion of the last Spring Festival. , now serving as a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and just as a marriage envoy to **** Princess Shuangfu to marry Qingdi back to the capital, who is Young Master Wen?"

Young Master Wen was so frightened that his eyes widened and he stared blankly at Shao Yunyun!

The people around the audience were all in an uproar!

"What? This is Zhuangyuan Lang!"

"Zhuang Yuan Lang is so handsome! No wonder the eldest Miss of the Tian family is so obsessed with it!"

"Lord Shao looks like a gentleman, and so is Mrs. Shao. She is gentle and dignified. She was also gentle and gentle when she spoke in court. I believe her!"

"I also think that Mrs. Shao will definitely not lie. Mrs. Shao is really kind-hearted. These children are pitiful people at first sight!"

Shao Yunyun said again: "I've been here for a long time. Lord Qin is on trial, so please don't disturb me, so I didn't show up for the time being. I've also listened to what's going on. Mr. Wen, what you said is true. Are the words true? And these witnesses,"

Shao Yunyun glanced at them without a trace, and sneered slightly: "Is it true?"

Young Master Wen's legs trembled slightly, and he fell unsteadily to the ground, his face trembling in disbelief.

He, of course he wants to distinguish a few words for himself, but is it useful?

(End of this chapter)

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