Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1596: 1 word is not allowed to spread

Qiao Xuan laughed angrily, these two, why do you like to meddle in other people's affairs so much?

Just because their men have concubines, but Shao Yunyun does not, so they think they are not pleasing to the eye, and try their best to put people around Shao Yunyun, so that they can balance their psychology?

Qiao Xuan: "My concubine is jealous, but I can't obey my order! Why don't the prince concubine send someone to the concubine's husband? Let's see if the husband of the concubine will accept it?"

The Crown Princess widened her eyes: "How dare you refuse this palace!"

"Chen and concubine are jealous, Crown Princess!"


Xiao Zong's feet softened, "Plop!" Kneeling down, unable to shake, she begged for rejection crazily.

"Chen and concubine retire, if the crown prince has anything to do, why don't you talk to your husband and your concubine. As long as your husband has no opinion, the minister and concubine have no opinion. The minister and concubine listen to your husband!"

"I don't dare to disturb the Crown Princess, the concubine will retire."

Qiao Xuan bowed, and then slowly backed out.

The Crown Princess was so aggrieved, she glared at Qiao Xuan, trying to stop her but didn't say anything. What if Qiao Xuan was left behind?

This person is simply a rogue and can't explain the truth!

She is also an official family member, or the wife of someone who is highly regarded by the Crown Prince. Can she teach her and punish her the same way she taught the servants of the East Palace? Obviously not!

And she wouldn't do this kind of dishonest and dignified thing - not enough to make fun of others behind their backs.

The Crown Princess's chest was full of anger, anger tossing, ramming, and roaring, causing her to tremble slightly uncontrollably and her breath was messy.

What a Joe!

She is so arrogant!

She, where did she come from to dare to do this!

He let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. The Crown Princess's eyes were deserted, and she said coldly, "As long as half a word of today's matter is spread out, each of you will not forgive me! Remember! , each of you!"

The maids and maids hurriedly knelt down: "Yes, Crown Princess!"

"Go back all!"


The crown princess was sitting on the couch of the imperial concubine, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, the mad anger rampaged in her chest, and she didn't move for a while.

Qiao Xuan left the Prince's Mansion and got into the carriage. After she sat down, her whole body relaxed, her heart was beating like thunder, and her limbs became weak.

She patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief, a little scared what to do. . . . . .

She also didn't know where she had such audacity, and dared to challenge the princess face to face like that, making the princess almost die of anger.

At that time, it was cool, but now, I'm afraid it's really tearing my face and forming a grudge.

Back at home, Qiao Xuan hurriedly ordered Ah Ye to go to the Ministry of Household to find her husband. If her husband had nothing to do with him, let him come back quickly.

This matter, the more Qiao Xuan thought about it, the more she felt like she couldn't handle it. She had to quickly confess to her husband and be lenient, and then pass the blame to her husband and let him see how to solve it.

Aye walks very fast.

When Shao Yunyun heard that she was looking for him, he quickly came back.


"Xiang Gong returned so fast!" Qiao Xuan greeted her with a smile, she has calmed down now, and her limbs can be considered strong.

Shao Yunyun raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her up and down.

Qiao Xuan pulled him to sit down and said eagerly, "I seem to have caused you trouble!"

Seeing that she was still thinking about joking, Shao Yunyun was relieved and hugged her in his arms, "The trouble caused by the lady is not trouble, it must be the bad of others!"

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