Chapter 1790 Thank you so much

Even though the production process went smoothly, seeing the blood-stained water coming out of the end still made him a little frightened.

For the birth of this child, his wife really paid too much and worked too hard. This kind of hard work did not happen today, but lasted for several months.

Raising kids can only get harder than that.

Thinking of this, he felt even more pity in his heart.

Qiao Xuan didn't feel anything at first, but now being hugged and coaxed into pain, she suddenly became vulnerable and almost cried in his arms.

Shao Yunyun lowered his head to kiss her and comforted her softly. The two of them were tired and crooked for a while before they looked at the little baby in the cradle together.

The baby was too small to move, and that little hand couldn't move anything at all. Qiao Xuan didn't dare to let him sleep on her bed. Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to really fall asleep at all.

What if the corner of the quilt covers the baby's head and face? What if he accidentally pressed his hands and feet?

Granny Gang asked her to feed the baby some milk, and after the baby fell asleep, he slept in the cradle again. Covered with a small soft and thin quilt, revealing a small head, small and beautiful facial features, and black hair, he fell asleep quietly, not to mention how cute.

"He's so cute!"

"Well, it's pretty good."

"I heard that little babies like bathing the most. After a few days, let's wash him together, okay?"

"it is good."

"But he might be scared when he's in the water, so let him hold our fingers. That way he should feel safe."

"He's still young, how does he know this?"

"Who said that, he understands!"

"Okay, understand!"


The two looked at the little baby with the same joy and stupidity, and said nothing.

After a while, Liqiu and Lixia brought in the stewed black-bone chicken, red dates and wolfberry soup, "Mrs., eat some quickly. Granny Wen and Aunt Song both said that you need to replenish your blood in the near future."

Shao Yunyun took the bowl: "Give it to me."

Feeding Qiao Xuan half a bowl of chicken soup, eating a few pieces of chicken, taking care of her and rinsing her mouth, Shao Yunyun smiled and said, "You lie down and have a good sleep and rest, and the child will be brought to the back room of the partition. , let Nanny, Liqiu, Caihua take care of them, don't worry!"

The wet nurse had already been selected, and Qiao Xuan could not predict whether she would have insufficient milk. At this moment, there was no milk powder suitable for small babies, so there was no other way but to find a wet nurse.

Poor people don't pay much attention, they can feed everything with rice soup, but since they can give their children better, naturally they can't let it go.

Nanny is not so easy to find, you need to find it in advance.

According to Mother Wen's experience, I'm afraid that Qiao Xuan will really let her nurse help with feeding. Qiao Xuan heard this, although there is a little bit of resistance and reluctance, but taking care of the child originally requires someone to help , she can't do everything by herself.

And I was really sleepy at the moment. I glanced at the sleeping baby and nodded, "Yeah", and said with a smile: "You are tired too, so take a rest!"

"Well, don't worry!" Shao Yunyun kissed her and ordered the maid to carefully carry the cradle away.

Shao Yunyun wanted to touch the child's face very much, but he was afraid that the rough fingers would hurt his delicate skin, so he didn't dare to try it several times.

Watching Li Xia and the others carry the baby's cradle away, she tucked Qiao Xuan's tuck into a soft voice, and then went out.

??See you tomorrow! I heard that it will snow tomorrow, but I haven't seen heavy snow this year.



(End of this chapter)

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