Chapter 1810 Seal the door

"Heh, how did my old woman know? Are you asking me for a crime?"

The eldest master, the second master and their wives were all stagnant, and exchanged glances secretly, dumbfounded, wondering what happened to the mother? Why did you get mad at them again?

Mrs. Fan and Mrs. Fan stood aside with lowered eyebrows, and the two of them sneered secretly: Do you still need to ask? Don't you see this aunt standing here?

Whenever she was there, when did it stop?

"No, no mother, don't misunderstand! I, we just came here to discuss with mother, how to deal with this."


Mrs. Fan sneered: "Everyone is calling, what do you say? In short, if there is no evidence, you want to wrong our Fan family. Is it good to treat our Fan family as soft persimmons? Why don't you hurry out and drive them away? !"

Originally, these two masters still had some luck in their hearts, but now they are completely certain: the beating of Jia Heming last night must have been arranged by their mother.

Oh, and my sister, 80% also have a share.

The two felt powerless.

It was when he was wrestling with Master Shao, and he had to think about every possibility and retreat before he could make a move. How could he be so rude and impulsive?

That is the clerk of the prefectural government, a member of the government!

And now, who in An Zezhou doesn't know that he is Master Shao's important right-hand man? Isn't hitting him the same as hitting Master Shao in the face?

Master Shao, is that a good thing?

No, the person who beat up last night, the gangsters who started last night was arrested, today's trial severely punished the gangsters, and someone came to Fan's house...

The two sighed in their hearts, but naturally did not dare to accuse their mother of not. They said the last sentence, the sister can say ten sentences, and then the mother's anger was even more intense.

"Don't worry, mother, we'll go out to negotiate. Without evidence, it's really not that easy to wrong our Fan family!"

"Hey, let's go soon!"

The brothers were a little relieved, since mother dared to say so, then the other party must have no evidence. For this, they do not doubt that although their mother is a bit domineering, it is not enough to leave evidence behind for doing such a thing.

As long as there is no evidence, everything is fine.

The two brothers took the housekeeper, nurses, servants and other twenty people, full of momentum, "Clang!" They opened the door and glared at Zheng Sangge and others.

The atmosphere was instantly dignified, like a tight string.

"Zheng Zaitou, dare to ask Zheng Zaitou what does this mean?"

Master Fan cupped his hands, his eyes were like torches, and his tone was cold.

Zheng Sangge took a deep look at him, "Ha!" with a half-smile, and said, "Don't Mr. Fan know? Do you really not or pretend to be confused?"

"What are you pretending to be confused about!" Master Fan scolded angrily: "Zheng Zhaotou can't make anything out of nothing, spit out blood, and he always needs to tell evidence!"

"Yes, Mr. Shao has always been clear and bright, and is deeply loved by the people of Anze Prefecture. If you think about it, you will not do such arrogant and domineering things."

Zheng Sanger laughed, "Our adults are naturally fair and honest, and they are very clear! It is because they are too upright and clear, so there are always people who think adults are easy to bully. , I'm afraid it won't look very good!"

"It's absurd!" Master Fan said angrily, "Why do you have to admit to something you haven't done? We just heard that Jia Shuli was beaten, what does this have to do with our family? Our Fan family has one finger!"

?? Happy Chinese New Year, sisters! I wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best!



(End of this chapter)

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