Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1824: Of course the rules have to be changed

Chapter 1823 Of course the rules must be changed

In previous years, the government could not collect much tax, which is also related to this. Every family has "filial piety" to the bandits, which is equivalent to ensuring the safety of one party, the government has also been exposed, and it can be safe and sound. Then, this tax will naturally be paid less.

It's just that this is such a small law, each family is free, and the government has no say, so that each family is getting more and more excessive.

Every one of the Zhizhou adults was looking forward to leaving this place quickly, and he didn't care about it at all.

So year after year, this thing has become as wonderful as it is today.

When Shao Yunyun talked about this to Qiao Xuan like a joke, Qiao Xuan was full of absurd feelings.

He also smiled with him and sighed a few words "the world is full of wonders"!

Shao Yunyun is here, and of course this rule has to be changed.

He told his wife about this, not only as a joke and two people complaining together, but also reminded her: don't go out.

When Zheng Sanger and others began to **** the public grains, the three major families united with several other families with considerable weight in Anze Prefecture, and first went to Guanzhou Cheng to explain the matter.

In fact, everyone is well aware of this matter, but they are just breaking through this layer of window paper.

Guan Zhoucheng responded with a smile, eager to cause trouble for Shao Yunyun, and soon went to him and reported the matter truthfully.

"...Sir, don't get angry, and don't blame everyone, we are like this in An Zezhou, and there is nothing we can do. As long as there is another way to think of it, no one wants to do such a thing! It can't be said in the open..."

Shao Yunyun listened to Guan Zhoucheng quietly, and said lightly: "What happened before has nothing to do with this official, but from today on, it is to listen to this official's arrangement. You don't need to pay attention to this matter, this official has his own opinion."

"Your Excellency is wise," Guan Zhoucheng replied with a smile, blowing a rainbow fart, and then said, "I don't know what plans your lord has? You might as well discuss it with Xiaguan. After all, Xiaguan has been here for so many years, it's not that Xiaguan is boasting. I know better than adults..."

Shao Yunyun sneered in his heart.

What is the use of knowing the situation? This matter in Anze Prefecture is not a secret at all, not to mention that he has investigated it specially. After so long, he has understood everything he should know. He doesn't think he knows less than Guanzhou Cheng.

Besides ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if you don't know it, so what? It's done!

This kind of thing is not a matter of reason, but a matter of comparing fists and strength.

"This official has his own opinion," Shao Yunyun repeated again: "This official will follow up on this matter in person, and Guanzhou Cheng doesn't have to worry about it. Taxes from various places will soon be put into the warehouse one after another, and Guanzhou Cheng will be in charge of Anze Prefecture City and the three suburban areas. Let’s take the task of the town, and make sure that all the rice collected is put into storage on time and in full.”

"But my lord, if the mountain bandit thing can't be resolved smoothly, I'm afraid—"

"The three suburban towns will not be affected by this. Could it be that those savages with their heads shrinking like turtles still have the courage to rob the city? Ha!"

What Shao Yunyun said is indeed the truth. If they want to grab it, they will only grab the food team that passes by near their site, and will not go to the city or the suburbs to grab it. The number of thieves is limited, and the transport of livestock such as horses, mules, and donkeys is even more limited. They go to the suburbs to loot, and how to transport them back is a big problem.

The government counter-killed, and they could force them to leave the spoils and flee in minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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