Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1842: meet by narrow road

Chapter 1841 Encounter in a narrow road

Before Mrs. Guan came, she knew what she would face today.

But she still came.

Why not come? Her heart is open and upright, and she has done nothing wrong! It is they who should not dare to face her and who should be guilty!

Mrs. Guan pursed her lips and stared at Qiao Xuan with cold eyes.

Her gaze is so sharp and direct that it's hard to ignore. Qiao Xuan noticed it immediately, turned her head slightly and raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes were gentle, and her expression was calm, as if Mrs. Guan was no different from other people to her.

Mrs. Guan's chest was tight for a while, and there was only one sentence in her mind: It's too bullying! Why is she acting so arrogant!

Seeing this, Mrs. Jia suddenly felt a little happy: Mrs. Guan also has today! And let her see it with her own eyes, it's really good...

That dream-like feeling finally disappeared at this moment, Mrs. Guan is really no longer Mrs. Zhou Cheng, and her husband has really been promoted!

Fan Ruyin rolled her eyes, smiled lightly, looked at Madam Jia and said, "Mrs. Jia is really a rare visitor, I have never seen it before, and today I know it! In the future, Madam Jia will also come out and walk around more, everyone is familiar with each other. That's great! For example, everyone is familiar with Mrs. Guan! Mrs. Jia has always been familiar with Mrs. Guan, right?"

Mrs. Guan's sneer was clear and distinct, like a needle prick.

There are many meaningful, or half-smiling, lively eyes around.

Madam Jia was a little embarrassed. She glanced at Qiao Xuan casually drinking tea and talking to a lady beside her with a smile. She made up her mind and nodded to Fan Ruyin, "Mrs. Bai is very polite."

The meaning of listening to this is that I agree with Fan Ruyin's words, so I don't have to go out to dinner and socialize frequently in the future.

Imagining that Madam Jia would socialize among the ladies, go to dinners in various places, and be treated like a VIP with a smile on her face, as she did in the past, and maybe someone would please her and flatter her, Madam Guan felt hatred. The monstrous rollover struck.

All this was originally hers!

Jia Heming tried to curry favor with Shao Yunyun and stabbed him in the back. Finally, he climbed up and kicked her husband down. In the past, this Mrs. Jia, who she didn't even look at, actually replaced her. The location of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how can she be reconciled?

Madam Guan's chest was full of anger, and her body trembled slightly.

Staring at Madam Jia's eyes as if carrying a knife.

Fan Ruyin smiled brightly, covered her mouth and giggled: "Oh! Mrs. Jia is too polite! Really, Mrs. Jia is dignified, virtuous, and has a good temperament. You can see that she is not comparable to ordinary people! No wonder There is such a good fortune! According to me, where is this going, Madam Jia’s good fortune is still to come, do you think it is hahaha!”

Fan Ruyin asked the crowd with a smile, and they naturally didn't answer, so they all laughed and agreed.

Mrs. Guan was even more angry, and clenched the silk handkerchief in her hand tightly, almost biting her silver teeth.

Although she clearly knew that Fan Ruyin said this on purpose, it was amazing that she was not angry with Fan Ruyin, and she was full of anger on Qiao Xuan and Mrs. Jia.

Especially seeing Mrs. Jia's ill-spoken and slightly uncomfortable appearance, she was replaced by such a person, and she was extremely resentful.

(End of this chapter)

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