Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1855: you are too much today

Chapter 1854 You are too much today

Madam Fan smiled.

compensation? Heh, who is she going to pay for this kind of insistence without evidence? Unless Mrs. Shao helped her and forced Mrs. Jia to confess.

But, is it possible?

Mrs. Shao left in anger, and this banquet naturally couldn't be reunited.

The two ladies of the Fan family apologized again and again. The second lady of the Fan family entertained and saw off the guests, so Mrs. Fan hurriedly went to find Fan Ruyin.

At this time, Mrs. Fan was having lunch. Fan Ruyin had always been very sensible and knew how to please her mother, so she would never disturb her mother at this time.

So Mrs. Fan easily blocked her in her house.

The atmosphere in the room was a little dignified and gloomy.

Fan Ruyin glanced at Madam Fan and said angrily, "Sister-in-law, what are you doing here? That troublemaker has been resolved?"

Madam Fan sneered slightly.

Trouble fine? I think you are the biggest troublemaker.

"You all go out."

The maids quietly glanced at Fan Ruyin, and seeing that she had a calm face but did not object, they hurriedly bowed their heads and stepped back.

Madam Fan said coldly, "You're too much today!"

"What did you say? You—"

"shut up!"

Madam Fan slapped her palm on the coffee table and scolded: "Fan Ruyin, you are also from the Fan family, don't go too far! You have the ability to cause trouble and solve it! I don't owe you anything, I will clean up the mess for you! I've had enough of you! If something goes wrong today, it will be a catastrophe for the Fan family. Do you have no brains? You don't even know this?"

"Then what kindness is Mrs. Guan? Her husband was dragged down because she was incompetent, and she felt resentful, and she had to look for trouble. What did you do? What would you do? Now that it's like this, it's better for you, don't do it. Turn around and leave, how dare you throw this mess to me and my second siblings? Oh, you have a good plan!"

"you you……"

Fan Ruyin's eyes widened, panting heavily, staring at Madam Fan in disbelief.

It was so unexpected that she didn't know how to refute her for a while.

How dare her sister-in-law speak to her like that! How dare she!

Mrs. Fan felt very happy when she saw this, "I tell you, I will not help you deal with the aftermath of this matter today. You go to Mrs. Shao and come to the door to apologize! Don't forget to keep your attitude low and attitude. Be sincere!"

"Don't forget that you are here to plead guilty, not to slander others!"

"Shut up!" Fan Ruyin screamed, her chest heaving violently, "How dare you talk to me like that!"

"Why don't I dare?" Mrs. Fan said coldly: "I am your sister-in-law and the first daughter-in-law of the Fan family. You have implicated the Fan family, and I can't tell you about you?"

Fan Ruyin: "..."

It is said that the truth is originally such a truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Fan Ruyin's words were extremely harsh to hear, and she was extremely angry.

She opened her mouth to refute, but found that she was unable to refute her anger.

She felt a tingling in her heart, and suddenly she felt aggrieved!

"You, you pretend to be virtuous and virtuous on weekdays, but I didn't expect you to think so in your heart! I knew that you had long disliked me and wished to drive me out of the house! But this was originally my home, left by my mother. I'm at home, why do you despise me!"

"You want to pinch me, there is no door!"

Fan Ruyin choked and wiped away her tears, turned around and ran out, going straight to Mrs. Fan's yard.


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(End of this chapter)

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